Saturday, July 23, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Blood Feuds: Issue 29

Issue 29: The Clock Strikes Midnight


            Y’lansa to Fleet: Concentrate all Light Shaman rites on Union Hall. Nothing Necrotic gets off that Island! I don’t care if Unity itself rises from that sector! Bless the Oceans if you have to.—Arcane Order Battle Notification (Territory Wide Broadcast)

            Turns out half the population of Florida guest starred in the Battle of Union Hall. Something in their blood called out and said, “Here be Dragons. Sunset Showdown sends his regards.”—Murphy House Internal Memo

            My hands are not always my own. Even now at the end of the Vigil. It was a vital component to victory for our cycle and all those who came after us.—Sleeping in Starlight [Redacted from S Level Archives] Please provide Shard Resonance to continue….

“New Ashbury”

Downtown Hights


            Golden Bulleteer circled the Beholder. His mind raced. The central nerve sparked. White fire pulsed under its crimson scales. He pulled the metal from the street lights. Coated his fists with it. The circle on his chest beat in time with each beat of his heart. The heat from the beams missed by mere centimeters. He formed points on the metallic “gloves.” His aim was true. He buried his arms up to the elbows within the beast. He gripped the pulsating nerve.

            The twin voices rang in his head.

            Form the symbol.

            His symbol. He raced around the city. The nerve extended.

It crackled like white lightning. Brighter than any star.


            Laughter. Bright.

            Silverware clinked as Elenore turned. A tall broad-shouldered man walked through the highrise restaurant. She smiled up at him. “Care to take a lady for a dance?” Abraham Murphy replied, “You’ll be the first one on my punch card. Now and forever.”

            He leaned in to kiss her.

            He clutched his chest as a voice rose above the din.


            The word barely formed. Pain brought him to his knees.

            Rain poured on the side of the street.

            Don’t you give up.


            Arthon watched as the crystal climbed. It was up to Bulleteer’s knees.

            The Atlantian thought frantically. Find it. Turn the key.

Eddie pressed his forehead to the strand he held. He concentrated.

            It was different for everyone.

            The face of his wife came to young Olsten.   His eyes snapped open. He tugged on the thread linked to White Lily. They dived deeper within the recesses of Abraham Murphy’s soul shard.


            He listened to the night calls of the jungle. His rifle at the ready. The distant thunder of the Iron Order demi forces. His green fatigues blended perfectly. That wouldn’t matter. The new serum. That would change everything. The US still had to test it though. So the young Captain found himself approaching enemy lines. His body vibrated with each step.

            Abraham Murphy brought his necklace to his lips. The smooth metal of the cross brought solace. He would accomplish the mission. Come hell or high water. The wind rustled through the trees. He continued forward for another mile. His ears ringed. He paused. Took cover within the underbrush.

            Wet leaves slapped his face.

No birds. No frogs. The dim light of the moon fogged over. Stars winked out.

Unnatural quiet.

Black ink flowed over the ground. A single beam of moonlight hit the Iron Order enforcer’s face. His yellowed skin pulled back into a smile. Pointed teeth. Twin black orbs. Fresh blood pooled at the enemy’s feet. The dark gray uniform was pitch black in the darkness. The bright golden rank pins were the only visible symbol. Murphy slid past the sentry line. By crawling over half a mile. His hands found silky petals in the dark.

White Lilies.

He had to make it. The Iron Order Citadel must fall.


            Arthon gave the ghostly images plenty of space. Eddie took point. His ability picked out the patches of corruption as they were removed from Golden Bulleteer’s body.

Eddie motioned.

            The manifestations of that liquid found in his bloodstream!

            Thankful that the Unseen Order had its own voiceless coding. Not unlike sign language but faster due to the enhancements from joining Dexter’s expanding network. According to Dexter? Lorain’s powers had yet to manifest fully. She did not know herself. Not completely. Eddie buried the thoughts deep. Focus on the mission.

Twin Cat pounced on the fading images. Its claws were wicked sharp against the evil. Black Scrawl faded as the giant feline spat out the remaining embers. Its ears flicked forward. Arthon tapped his fingers on its shoulder.

What lies within that Citidel?

The four-eyed avatar brought its nose to the Muthra’s forehead.

The future.


            White Lily followed her husband’s progress. She saw what he did. A mix of memories and the Duat. As they entered the Citidel, the room expanded to an octagon. Her husband took to the doorway directly in front. As they entered the Twin Cat pressed a paw to Lily’s back.

            Help him turn the key.

You will know it.


            Abraham checked each corner. The room was littered with papers. He brought his rifle up. The sights melted before his eyes. The metal barrel twisted. Liquid ran up his legs. His chest. It stopped at his neck. The serum had kicked in. The concrete walls retracted. Five burly forms rose.

A high thin voice called out, “Welcome American. You will be the first to die.”

Each was covered in thick white fur. Four arms. Eyestalks. What madness was this?!

Murphy sidestepped the first blow. Time slowed. The double upper fists brushed past his face. Super speed! He aimed his fist at the monster’s gut. It went careening into the exposed sidewalls. The circle on his chest warmed. Its light burned through the remaining monsters. The scientist was gone. A stone doorway appeared.

Steps formed.

Into the breach.


            White Lily ground her boot into the remains of the Black Scrawl. Her wedding ring had a bright spark that shifted to brighten the red thread between her and Abraham. Her husband had power here but she could help him channel it. They were a team. In this place? The soul was the higher power. A word broke through. As if from a distant shore.


            She knew that voice. The Morrigan!

Elanore Murphy closed in on Abraham. The stairs gave way to a circle of stone. In each layer sat endless Anubis guardians. Their eyes were cold. She faced her husband at the center. Reached up to cup his face. Her White Lily uniform faded. In its place? Her wedding dress. Her mouth firmed. The Key wasn’t an item.

It was….  


            He patted his black tux. There it was! He pulled his ring from his pocket. The woman before him held out her hand, “Ready?” Her voice held a note of excitement.

He nodded.

“Death will never part us. Even as the stars go out.”

He knelt, “Will you do me the honor….”


            We stalked the fragment. That which did not belong within our grandfather. A dull brass nugget fell from his soul shard. The Duat snapped up the offending Meathook sliver. The pyramid flowed. As the portal closed we saw it. Eliza turned away.

            Remember it for us. We cannot know this way.

            Dexter examined the undercurrents of the Duat. What Abbadon rejected.

            We shall endure. Death was the realm of….


            I sucked in a breath.

The room was saturated with smoke. I summoned my spear into my hand. Brought it to my forehead. “//*:*\\!”

The air cleared. Though a sickly green miasma lingered. Sir Avalon shouted, “The Arcane Fleet is nearly spent of Rings!” I hurled the length of metal at the doorway. An unearthly howl resounded. Doctor Zanzibar cheered. “The eagle has landed!”

I glanced back at the medical pod holding my Grandfather. Gran gran was helping him into a sitting position. “Hold the fort for us.”

White Lily opened her mouth and then closed it with a soft click.

<<No need to talk about it now.>>

Even I didn’t remember it all. For good reason. Dexter reasons. The battle lines had changed. My fingers twitched and the spear returned to my hands. Auggie ran up to me, his little legs skittering to a halt at my feet, concerned barks made me glance at Lorain.

Her Defender Belt was spent. Her arms shook as she strained to maintain the shield.

I took her into my arms and said, “We got him.”

The life shield winked out. Necrotic energy crept into the room.

“Now it's my turn.”


            Meathook forced his shell to fling itself over the high wall of the floating courtyard. This Island made no sense. Each part of the building resided on a different pillar. A mound of earth forged into a patch of anti-grav delights. At any other time, he would be glad to study it. To break down the enemy’s thought process. The plan against the Bulleteer had worked. After a fashion. It did bring forth the Slumberer but only just. Eliza Murphy’s Life Aura had hidden the usurper. Abbadon’s severe visage formed behind Meathook’s eyes.

            No matter. Return to me. Send the shell onwards.

            You have done well my son.

            Meathook’s awareness faded.

            One last present for the bastion of Mankind.


            Each thrust dispatched another foe. Their remains dissipated. No trace. Just like the Void Walker drones. The scorpion hybrid bellowed. The moment had arrived. Dexter didn’t need to explain. It just was. My left hand twitched. Nothing would be the same. The move the enemy would never see.

            My spearhead bit deeply into the construct. It was no man.

Just a collection of parts. That was how Abbadon saw the world. How Unity connected to it. Parts interchangeable. Never mind the soul. That is mere window dressing. The callousness. He was not a lord of flesh. Just a peddler. Too proud to leave his cocoon and face the responsibility. Dexter whispered, >>Watch over them. I will be with you. Always.<<

I shook my head to clear the tears.

Red hot pain ran down my arm. From the upper bicep to the remaining embers that once were fingers. Once more my left arm hit the ground. No longer my own. Never my own. I shouted a battlecry as I rammed the spear through the breastbone.

It hacked black blood, “Clipped Wing….”

The unholy light faded from its eyes.

A new beginning.

Dexter took my arm. Captain Overwatch readied her scythe.

It was the only way.


            Lorain Lanis finished resetting the last bit of bone. “Eliza Murphy!”

            I sat up. Grinned at her. “Yes? You bellowed?” My left arm twitched. Ghostly sigils raced out along the network. I didn’t understand a single one of them. Eddie and Arthon traded glances. Their fingers moving. My father joined in. I gave Lorain a quick peck on the cheek. “I'll go check the lower levels of the facility.”

            Lorain crossed her arms, “Right. I know a deflection when I see it.” Her eyes lingered on my face.

            I blew her a kiss, “Promise I'll fill you in later.”

            Shield World level later. I would make sure that the proper future would happen.

            No matter the cost.

Issue 28: Here

Issue 30: Here

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