Tuesday, July 26, 2022

The Uplift Protocol Blood Feuds: Issue 30

Issue 30: Battle Brothers


            No one tell Doctor Lanis. This is from the top. Handoff complete. Yes, even now they both make puns. I thought only my husband went that far. All of them are dorks to the ninth degree. Even under pressure. That good old family charm. The shoe is on the other foot now Eliza. Be aware. Oh, who am I kidding? Of all of us? She deserves all the laughter she can muster.—Captain Overwatch.

            The Twilight Scythe: Usually made to cut through constructs like the Scorpion. My sister’s spear can be effective but when the three of us work together? Well? In our world, all sorts of interesting events happen around threes. I don’t think Overwatch will be able to sleep for a while. Even she hadn’t suspected our plan.—Dexter Murphy

            THAT’S WHY YOU BROKE YOUR ARM?! YOU LET IT GNAW IT OFF! WHAT IF….—From the Private Feed of Murphy Residence Circa XX-12 of Arcane Shield World Elysium

            She glaring at me right now but with time…..oh no. I made another pun. Yes dear.—Eliza’s Private Entry is not to be listed for public discourse along the feeds of the Starlight Logs.

Union Hall

Floating Island Complex Hub


            My left arm twitched as I hurled the spear into additional Void Walker drones. With my right fist, I sent three more sub-orbital. A physical fight wasn’t the bigger worry. My ears caught onto a low-key hum. Ocean bound. It loomed over everything. Blotting out the sun. From the Veil between worlds, it rose. Primordial. Hungry.

            Bloodless and translucent. Scales that had never touched the sun. The red eyes swirled.

            Sunset Showdown hollered into the coms, <<The Lord of the Triangle!>>

            The mythological beast of Florida itself.

            It gurgled, “The famous guardian of life itself. All I see is a speck of flesh for the King of Kings to devour!” Its forked tongue lashed out and pulled me into the Veil. Endless rows of trapped souls wailed behind those lantern-light eyes. My back twitched. It hissed and dropped me from its clammy grip. “Cripple.”

            I danced backward as void wraiths clawed at the ground. Everyone always assumed I was maimed. I never understood that notion. I had lived with pain all my life. My spine? The physical symptom of another barrier placed upon me. One meant to contain me. Contain my brother. Not yet. I couldn’t release that final seal just yet. Let the enemy think I barely understand my role. They would not get my brother. I channeled new strength through that arm. It was not my own.

            My brother’s muscle memory responded.

            An exchange of skill. We could each call upon the other’s domain.

            My vision burned. I could see the necrotic threads. Each bead pulsed a ghostly white.

            I didn’t need to see the full picture. Not now. Maybe never.

            My enemy hesitated. I sent my spear arcing outward.


            Aether aimed.

With each cough of his pistol another Void Walker fell. Drones.

Pale imitations.

They were not true Keepers such as Chronos. The berserker cry of Floridians filled the air. Aether’s blood chilled. The blood curse. They were part Hatheon. The men and women of the peninsula. It was no small wonder that Sunset Showdown had made such alliances. Other J’kua railed in the skies overhead. Their saucer ships joined the Arcane Fleet as monstrosities flooded through the Tear made by Bullteer’s passage through the Duat. All manner of twisted forms attempted to suck the life from Earth herself. Alerts sounded, <<Cosmic event imminent. Cosmic event imminent. Arcane barriers activating. Project Freefall online. Execute?>>

Y’lansa barked, “Initiate!”

The old Typherian Admiral muttered a silent prayer to the Rulers and the Three.

“Here fishy fishies!”

Jagged crystalline bulwarks phased into normal space. They spun counterclockwise to the Earth herself. A thick layer of energy encased the planet.


            Chronos sent endless Drones. The target was never Earth. Not this time. No, he managed the impossible. The humans had hidden the last components of Noah’s Ark well. But by releasing this Freefall Project out into the open to defend against the Old Flesh of the Deep? They allowed a glimmer of the gem to grace his consoles. His daughter’s old hideout would hide the event. He maneuvered the asteroid. The defenses around it had been repositioned to defend Humanity’s nest.

            Void Walker codes ignited. It teleported. Black Tendrils exploded outward. Encasing the remaining pieces of Noah’s Ark. With a snap of his fingers? The asteroid disintegrated completely. Gunmetal gray lines expanded as the pieces tried to jump to Weave Space. Chronos laced his fingers under his chin. That Arcane Order had been a menace to distract. Now? All the pieces would fall into place.

            He would have Unity’s position soon.

            Abbadon had promised.

            From there? The Stars themselves would weep.

            But just in case: There was always a backup plan. Those like Unity and Abbadon did not give up power willingly. The Keeper sent one final command to his fleets. “And all their dreams are torn asunder…..”


            Y’lansa highlighted the Arcane Code. “Fish is away!”

            She re-routed 2nd and 3rd auxiliaries to “rescue” the stolen Ark segments. To untrained eyes it would appear that over 1 million personnel died in the attempt. Thanks to whatever Dexter had in mind? Each of those bodies would remain floating in the voids of space. Until collected for burial. How he managed it? She would never ask. Some information came at too high a price. The only solace? Sleeves had paid the price. Not people. Not the souls or bodies of those minds riding within the Bio-sleeves to make this play possible. It was no easy thing. They would experience death.

            But their lives were preserved.

            Y’lansa knew. All the commanding officers had gone through it as well. They couldn’t ask those under them to do such a thing without stepping into the breach alongside. She screwed her eyes shut. Remembering her moment of Sleeve death during the Breach Wars.

            A world without the Star-Spangled Banner.

            Her husband’s strong hands gripped the back of her command chair. His blonde beard was trimmed close to his face. She was not alone. Ta’len whispered, “You shall never be alone. Not while I live.”

            She prayed that Eliza would forgive them for the deception. Her reactions would have to be real for any of this to work. Then they would lock all access from Chronos’ spy globes settled within the Oort Cloud.


            Lt. Brightmark of the Terran Alliance jerked in his relay seat. His hands rose to throw the helmet off. The visor went dark as his “body” died. The Puzzler’s data recordings on the Sleeve operation hadn’t prepared him for this. He would never joke about dying again. The feeling of losing that connection had disturbed him. He crossed himself. If they hadn’t put up a valiant defense the enemy wouldn’t have bought it. He glanced over as countless shipmates disconnected from the decompression of their ships.

One scrambled to the side and vomited into a waste receptacle.

A nurse dashed over. “Breathe!”

            He repeated the mantra.

            I fear no evil for thou are with me.

            His family was safe. That was all that mattered.

            His fingers shook as he lit up a cigarette.


            My eyes bulged. Death.

Over 1.2 million souls winked out. I howled. White spots of rage danced before my vision. Everything narrowed down to the fish-scaled devil directly before me. It gurgled, “There is nothing you can protect. False Lifebea---“ I flung my spear skyward. The sigils smoked. I charged.  My knuckles struck hardened cartilage. Its spine segments turned to jelly as they smoked.

People I wouldn’t be able to get back. I screamed as the monster’s innards collapsed around me. It laughed. A harsh grating noise that made my eardrums bleed. “You see? I shall never die.” Even as I tore it apart the necrotic influence of Abbadon reconstituted its dead flesh.

Rage consumed me.  

I had failed them. I had relied too much on the Ur-Flow.

Again and again, my closed fists struck slimy flesh. My spear slammed down at near FTL speeds. It bisected the creature. Black Scrawl filled my nose. My vision darkened and I was expelled from the tear between realms.

I gulped in the fresh air. Spat out the black ichor.

My grip tightened on my spear.

White padded over to me. Her fur was matted with scorch marks. She curled around me.

Her voice joined mine within the Veil.


            Fredrick Marshall III picked over the rubble. Bits of earth swirled around Eliza Murphy. Her shoulders shook with repressed sobs. Phase Two was set. Chronos’ eyes still lingered on Union Hall so the play must continue. He knew the words.

            The ones that haunted them all.

            I know the taste of your tears. Of her tears. His. The object never mattered.

            The phrase had been twisted to his benefit. The Lord of Flesh.

            Tears. The mark of moments. Joy. Sadness. Redeption. Regret.


            A three-eyed White Tiger stiffened. He spoke, “Earth is….”

            She curled tighter around Murphy.

            She snarled quietly, “Saved. But at what cost?!”

            Women lived in the here and now. Marshall halted his advance.

            To save Trillions upon countless Trillions. Chronos’ holographic image shimmered all across Earth and its territories, “Now you see the weakness of your Heroes.”


            I brushed my face against White’s fur. Forced the tears to dissipate with a flash of my old cosmic glow. My eyes ignited. Yellow-white energy flowed. I held my spear aloft.

“Not one more.”

Chronos spared me a glance. “By my tally? You have failed to uphold the sanctity of life.”

Others joined me in my defiance. The entire Blue Defender division circled Union Hall. Cooper landed next to me. Resplendent in his Green Defender uniform. The Keeper reclined against his high chair. “It is of no consequence now.”

Blood drained from my face as he panned out to the complex behind him.

“The Ark is mine.”


            Deep within Noah’s Ark the code activated as it rejoined its sister pieces. Each compartment rang true. Time slowed. Chronos gloated. As the final cog rang out within the ancient Elysium vessel, energy curled outward.

Hooked into each atom of Keepers detected.

Space rippled.

            ///Orders received. Jumping to Temporal Coordinates. Engaging.///


            My mouth hung open. Chronos was gone. In a flash of light. Nothing remained.

            Aether landed beside me, “Now we begin.”

The J’kua’s black and gray eyes were unperturbed.

            I must have looked shell-shocked because he added, “Check out the Ur. In this respect, I hope you forgive Y’lansa and Eddie. They came up with the idea. To sell the….” He motioned with his hands. Of a ship careening off the side of a waterfall.

            White glanced up at me as I floated there. I couldn’t feel my legs. I rubbed my face.

            “Anyone have a cup of espresso?”

            I sucked in a breath through my mouth. Funneled it through my nose.

            I repeated this for a solid 5 minutes.

            I added quietly, “All because I have a horrid poker face.”

            Marshall clapped me on the back, “I know. But we love you anyway.”

            The tears fell. I found I couldn’t stop.

            A pang of relief amidst the cloud of after-battle madness.


            Lorain Lanis triple-checked the final readouts on Golden Bulleteer.

            He gave her a thumbs up, “I feel alright. Considering.”

He indicated the Arcane News Network feeds. “I’m concerned for Star though!” No one knew his secret ID so he had to play things off second-hand. Lorain dashed from the medical station.

White Lily said, “Now! Where were we?”

She leaned in to kiss him resoundingly on the lips.

In his peripheral vision, he could see the twin obsidian statues.

Their frigid regard followed.

Anubis Guardians. He held his wife tighter.

Dexter would know. 

Issue 29: Here

Issue 31: Here

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