Thursday, August 11, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 3


 Issue 3: The Expanse of Unknowable Depths

    Animated by Abbadon’s realm. Does he know just how much power Chronos stole? Yes, the flesh was made from those taken by Unity. Much like the Living Stone. But the animation? All flows from the Night Realm.--Aether

    Chronos is mine to use. In whatever fashion I deem necessary. --Abbadon

    I have done this countless times. Each new meat puppet lets me analyze the Red King’s hold over everything.--Chronos

    While we were shoring up our defenses overall, our enemies were playing an elaborate game of Poker. Who had the best hand? In the end? They all thought they had the best cards to complete their goal. The end result wouldn't be anything they could have dreamed of in their vast array of nightmares. The twin mirrored orders of the Arcane and Unseen were all that stood between creation and utter destruction. My sister knew this. She always said I was stronger but we needed her. Memory gaps and all.-- Unseen Archives: Vol 1

Mirror Sector

Z’ahramdus’ Upper Pathways

June 20th, 3266

    I leaned into the tackle.

    Every hit made one of the Brood Warriors grunt. White ichor stained the passageways. My eyes burned as dark matter spilled out. Each beam burned through marrow and muscle alike. I just had to remind myself their flesh was made from recycled universes. No soul shards remained within their tortured forms. We had to buy more time for our fleets to get in position. Dragging the Ark of the Covenant to the edge of Edenverse was tricky but doable. Its power would be diluted here but we had to give Hilary false positives.

    Z’ahramdus bellowed, <<Welcome back! You tasted delicious last time. I shall consume your shards!>> Mary hurled Light Shaman imbued spheres towards the adjacent hallway. I didn't want to linger on the pulsating necrotic fleshy bits so I dived through the opening. A crack split the air. Black Scrawl exploded off my chest.

    Hilary’s black within black orbs glittered within the semi darkness.

    My uniform warmed. The glow made Hilary shield her face.

    Aether would need time to infiltrate Hilary’s systems.

    I moved. Everything slowed. I gripped Dominion’s left arm. Hurled her over my shoulder. She cartwheeled into the hardened bone wall. I held my fists up in the ready position. “Fancy meeting you here!”

    Dominion hissed. She spat green blood on the ground. Razor thin cords wrapped around my wrists. The pressure climbed. Brookes ran her thumbs across the floor. “DIE!”

    I brought my arms together. That hideous gray face twisted.

    Another set of eyes peered into my soul.

    Ancient. Endless. Terrifying.

    My blood burned against the cords.

    I was free.

    Chronos whispered the rites into Hilary’s subconscious. His voice curled around her fingers. Ever so gently. The sizzle of Thronebearer blood hit the ground. Z’ahramdus howled. Indignant. “Tainted flesh!” A necrotic wind knocked the Banner off her feet. Sending her careening into the expanding dark. There was another play at work here.

    J’kua schemes.

    Aether was here.

    The purpose should worry his newest host.

    Chronos whispered. Mimicked his daughter’s voice down to the last thread.

    This would be her brilliance.

    I broke the surface.

    Icy rivulets of ichor ran into my mouth. I spat.

    Who had peered out from Dominion’s eyes? Abbadon? Perhaps. I exploded from the liquids as clammy hands attempted to pull me under those unfathomable depths. That glare had been targeted. Beyond Hilary’s usual diatribe or wrath. The Ur Flow was erratic. One image burned behind my retinas.



    I sprang towards the flickering lights of my companions. Each layer of Z’ahramdus resisted. Its voice curled around my spine, “Not for you little light.” Dark shapes hurled themselves at me from all corners. Their eerie blue glow stung my eyes. The Children of Chains. My fist past through their forms. I summoned my spear. Light Shaman wards ignited the dark cloth curled about their chests.

    Voices cried out, “You are no hero.”

    “Save us!”

    “….the ouro lies upon the depths…..there is no salvation….”

    My left arm twitched. My fingers tensed on the bone wall.

    Shards exploded outward.

    I bellowed, “Not on my watch!”

    Dominion lurched to the side. Countless drones flowed past her through the breach. The resulting silence made her ear drums pop. She inhaled the foreign scent.


    She reached up to seal the remaining breach. She ordered Z’ahramdus, <<Delay the Banner. By whatever means necessary. I have a rat to catch!>>

    She peered into silky white nodes of Z’ahramdus’ nervous system. Near the base of his spine, each neuron fired off once every hour, but she had to be sure. No J’kua resonance. There was a smattering of Scholar filth. She howled.

    Matarn sealed the rest of the supplies within the arcane node. They would be here for the long haul. Di’axi motioned towards the base of the Necrotic Wyrm’s spine. There were a few blind spots they could hide a beachhead. Aether dabbed a J’kua symbol upon their forearms.

    “It will hide you somewhat from the patrols. I will distract the Sleeve of Chronos.”

    It was a despicable violation of Creation. But Chronos had never cared. Aether knew the poison was spreading when he read Lorain’s reports on her “stay” within Tarkanan. He had taught the All-Father a piece of the puzzle. But not the whole violation of the soul shard network. The trouble was that Hilary had developed a sliver of a shard of her own. Due to her mother’s heritage so the transfer process would be hindered. Sy’ra held out her rod. It was brass. With each end capped in silver. Light Shaman sigils flowed. “Not the family outing I expected but this time….”

    Di’axi finished, “We fight together!”

    Artheon and Whitehouse joined them.

    The old general spread his arms wide, “Let’s get this rodeo started.”

    He held up the black box. “Where you want these beauties Aether?”

    The J’kua smiled. Opened a port on his forearm. Three small spheres of gold rose.

    “Follow me.”

    I dashed towards the Jupiter Rising. Sending drones flying every which way I could. I wouldnt let them on that ship. Not with my team aboard. Lightning crackled as Ritark and Professor Nara circled above. Nara’s third eye was open wide. It spat out Thronebearer sigils! Not of my level or Dexter’s but….

    Nara bellowed, <<Get inside! We must flee!>>

    Speculation would have to wait.

    The sharp bark of Emerald K-9 announced the cavalry.

    My senses took it all in. Mary waved everyone else forward while Eddie brought up the rear guard. His ray guns blazing against the milky white caverns of the Wyrm. Nola was beside him. Her mirror glinted against the red, green and blue energy shots. I dashed towards the rear lines. I picked up a massive club dropped by a Brood Hoard. I flew straight at the main mass.

    Bodies went flying.

    All were animated corpses. My father’s voice rang out, <<All aboard. Move it Space Cadet!>>

    The remaining bright pink sparkles told me my sister was dangling from the rear docking bays, >>WOO! 20 points! 100!<< A massive pink ball steamrolled over additional drones as I zipped over to the bay. The door closed with a soft click. My stomach rolled as Jupiter performed a hyper jump within the cavernous mound of Wyrm innards. My senses cleared. We were back within Edenverse borders. I ran through the biofeeds linked through the ship. My eyes widened, <<Where’s Aether!?>>

    Di’axi and his parents were missing.

    Artheon and Whitehouse as well.

    I dashed towards the hidden Arcane compartment. Mary was already there.

    I faced my father as his Judgment gear faded from view. It was just us three.

    My father held out his hand to forestall questions, “Unseen Order business.”

    I paced about the room. “Then where does the fleet plan to…..”

    Mary clasped her hands over the obsidian slab of a table. Silver sigils flowed across its surface. “We are going to retake Elysium. The first Shield World of Creation.”

    Other names flashed across my H.U.D.

    Countless J’kua had joined Aether.

    Dad stated frankly, “It was their choice. They wanted to be the spear against the combined forces of Dominion Chronos.”

    I blanched. “That was why….”

    He was inside her!

    My dad frowned, “More like she will become the new vessel for….”

    I shuddered. I held my breath. “Is that why the visions change?”

    The doorway swirled inward as one more entered.

    Anna held up a concoction of white liquid. Flecks of orange floated within the V shaped canister. “Drink up Golden Child. Another piece of the puzzle awaits you!” I gingerly accepted the vial. Brought it to my lips.

    It tasted like vanilla and cherry.

    The world blurred.

    Whitehouse grinned wolfishly as the drones dissipated in clouds of crimson dust. Each one was one soldier less that the Fleet would face in the skies above Elysium. He held his rifle to his shoulder. It let out a ting ting noise as each projectile found its target. Artheon made sigils in the air as Muthra fields cut through flesh and bone. Learning from the older cycle Markav had been a blessing. A curse to their enemies. The past 1000 years had been preparing everyone for this moment. They could not let evil claim Dexter’s rightful throne.

    For he was the pathway to regaining the balance.

    Evil would no longer control the rebirth cycle. Eden would no longer stand alone as a soul-shard safe haven. Whitehouse knew why prolong had been extended. They could not let their allies fall into the clutches of the Night Realm. Each death would add fodder for Abbadon. For those who wished to unseat the Red King. This was known. This was destiny. Whitehouse shouted a battle cry as the she-demon herself entered the fray.

    He’d get in one good shot. One way or another.

    The water was calm. Voices rose as the Highest greeted them for the first time.

    I opened my eyes to behold a city carved into the dark matter cluster itself. Not on the physical side but within the newly formed Weave. The Amache had never known it had existed. For they only knew the physicality of the Void. Of Space. The stars that began. Posideon leaned over, “Ahh. I wondered when you would see this moment. Arbiter of the Highest.”

    I blinked at that.

    “Oh boy.”

    The Hatheon Patriarch made a curt bow. His hands spread wide.

    “There are layers to all things dear Eliza.”

    I watched as the magical laylines danced around the outer portions of the city.

    Realization made me gawk.

    The same laylines that ran through Earth herself.

    “Now you shall learn of the first history. Unclouded by the covers of the Highest.”

Issue 2: Here

Issue 4: Here

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