Tuesday, August 9, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 2

 Issue 2: A Bygone Era

    Give unto me the unwanted. Cast aside by void and fate. For all are reformed in the eyes of the Almighty.--Exodus Prayers

    What use is man against a god? Let alone multiple gods! Even demis cannot hope to hold back the tide! Now I understand the reasons for this extended prolong! So we can die beside the last generations of man!--INET fragment

    Sleeping in Starlight. Fitting for such a repository.--Dexter Murphy

    Chronos wanted to go beyond the laws of reality. In doing so he nearly destroyed the cycle for everyone. Living, dead, those stuck in-between. Each of our foes were dangerous in their own way but no less deadly. It had been a cold war for so long that the shock of total warfare hadn’t been felt. The Breach Wars came closer than most. Armageddon is never easy to face. But like the Wall? We would endure.--Unseen Archives: Vol 1

Noah’s Ark

Location Unknown

    I rose unsteadily to my feet.

    Noah was gone. The part of me that was Arbiter of the Arcane Order sensed his soul shard remained. Comet finished, <<…..zero!>> The former Unity Universe FRAM circled about my head. His electronic iris took in the new data.

    <<Readouts indicate….>> I examined the data.

    “This can’t be right.”

    Life and Death energy swirled about the hull. Twilight, the in-between as well. Those who had yet to be born. My father motioned towards the docking bays. “We have a trade to make.”

    The branches receded as we entered the docking area. Trouble and Gulliver were there. One other stood between them. His black hair neatly trimmed. It was the eyes that held me. Typherian eyes. Golden. Ringed with silver. He bowed politely. His plain white robe unadorned.

    His beard came down to his waist. It was plaited. Brass rings jingled as he approached. White streaks at each temple. He held out his hand, “Thank you for saving me. I brought you here to give you the brothers. They will stand by your side until the Vigil ends.”

    J’anu and Ta’rammon’s child. His eyes crinkled. Crowsfeet. At our level of prolog?

    He would be nearing 10, 000 years old.

    “For now? All you need to know is I am the Chronicler. We will meet again.”

    Lorain Lanis shouted, “Bring the main guns to bear on the outer edges!”

    Chronos’ fleet had been decimated. They only had to clear a hole for Eliza. According to General Murphy’s final communications. A piercing tone filled Lorain’s world with static. The Ark was gone. Jupiter’s frantic relay cut through, <<She’s WHERE!?!>>

    J’ino brought the Jupiter Rising into a sharp dive.

    Whitehouse brought the newest weapon systems online. An orange haze rose from his cigar. “Let’s dance.” The main targeting arrays locked on. White-blue fire erupted along the saucer-shaped ships.

    “Time for some payback!”

    The void filled with the light of phasing vessels.

    Dominion rushed to the bony exterior of Z’ahramdus elongated snout. Drones scurried about in her wake. There it was. Murphy’s prized yacht. The Jupiter Rising. <<Dominion to Fleet. Focus on the Banner’s pet starship. I want it for my mantle.>>

    As one her forces moved to intercept.

    Her left index finger tapped the stark gray metal of her command chair.

    One had to have modern comforts within a Void Dragon. Even one such as Z’ahramdus.

    Nyx approached. Her eyes fixated on that simple motion of the finger.

    It had already begun. Her tentacles shifted. By the time Hilary realized anything was amiss? The transfer would be complete. As it had been done countless times before. The Sleeves of Chronos would be rekindled. True immortality. Nyx had never desired such a secret. She had always wanted the children. She hummed a silent tune.

    “Momma’s gonna buy you a….”

    Hilary turned. She noted the endless parade of drones crawling over every inch of bone.

    She frowned.

    Where had her father’s pet gone to?

    There was no way Nyx would abandon Chronos.

    No records of the demented doctor remained. Had she perished in the intervening centuries? Eaten by an experiment. Hilary doubted it. Tap. Tap. Tap. She stared at her hand for a split second. She brought out the handgun. It gave a small click as she ejected the empty canister. It was the size of her thumb. Crimson light reflected in her dark eyes.


    She frowned.

    Worry compelled her to check the secondary clip.

    The indicator repeated the message. ///Empty.///

    She placed both on the scanner next to her chair.


    The results made her blink.

    ///No residue remaining.///

    That couldn’t be right. All ballistics, either metallic, energy or otherwise had some sort of signature! Why had she never thought to check…..

    Comprehension dawned. Because it had came from her hated enemies. She had trusted in their zeal to destroy her and her dear father.

    She compared files. “Bring up schematics of Void Walker Prototype 22-X9.”

    Dominion hissed in pain as Arcane sigils attacked her implants.

    “Distance to Arcane Fleet mongrels?!”

    Z’ahramdus replied, “Not long now. I imagine they have the bulk of their forces hiding until we reach a certain threshold.”

    Hilary slammed her fists on the chair railings.

    ///Schematics Decrypted: Designed to fire three forms of ballistics. One physical. One magical. The final? Biochemical. To rapidly deconstruct….///

    She snarled, “Can they be combined?!”

    ///Yes. Initial designs developed in 1940’s to combat the Sky Gods of the Iron Order. Preliminary DNA codifiers from Subject I. Ishtar was a known….///

    Dominion waved impatiently.

    “Who created the ammunition and firearm?”

    ///Dr. Eternity. Demi known for biochemical reactions and compounds.///

    Hilary smiled. “Let’s grab some guests from the Jupiter.”

    I followed the Chronicler. We ascended a spiraling staircase made of starlight.

    I marveled at the cosmos stretched out before us.

    “It's ok if you can’t answer. When are we?”

    He pointed skyward.

    “The end of the beginning.”

    Each point in the sky intersected. Past, present and future. I caught glimpses but nothing solid. The duck brothers landed on each shoulder. Trouble noted, “It will make sense. From the minds of many shall we all be reborn.”

    I ran a finger along his bill. “Picked up another library’s worth of knowledge?”

    The black duck bobbed his head. I noted the Union circlet and wedding band on the Chronicler’s finger. “Just glad you were able to have….” He held out his hand.

    “More than you could know. I must warn you. Once you step through this portal you will be within Z’ahramdus’ head. The one piece that retains his powers. The rest of his body had been picked clean in the Breach Wars.”

    He handed me a crystal.

    No longer than my thumb. “Put up a good fight. This will satisfy Dominion. It will prevent her from taking one of your crew. You know of whom I speak.”

    Mary Herbert-Lanis.

    She would have information deemed valuable to Hilary. Plus enough bad blood to make the effort worth that monster’s while. I recalled the various fights they had in the Area 51 ready room. A flash of cold enveloped me and I found myself surrounded by Keeper Drones. I whirled and kicked outward. My heel connected with one head. My fist with another. Alarms split the air. Limited as it was.

    I called out, “Hilary! Special Delivery! Why take my ship when you can have me instead?!”

    Round 2 start!

    A few well placed jabs sent scours of drones flying.

    Gulliver and Trouble floated. Gatling Guns formed above their heads. The constructs open fired in a dazzling array of Orange and Omega Defender energy. The crystal dangled on a silver and gold chain around my neck. Imbued with enough Arcane warding to pique Hilary’s interest. I rolled between a hulking brood form enforcer. Its three heads riddled with scorch marks.

    Hilary stared at that hated face.

    “Impudent cripple.” The incessant quacking altered her to the cherub factor.

    This wouldn't save that cripple’s idiotic vessel but it would be fun to get in a few….

    Dominion’s internal sensors announced, ///Arcane deposit detected.///

    She replied over ship-wide coms, “So nice to see you again Cripple. No daddy to save you now.” That hideous cape flowed about the Banner akin to a second skin. “Why carry water for a dead Nation?”

    J’ino said, “Are you sure?”

    Mary replied, “Absolutely.”

    The looming form of the Necrotic Void Dragon’s left eye-ridge was rapidly approaching.

    Doc deadpanned, “That’s where Judgment's coordinates are indicating.”

    J’ino crossed her arms, “My husband and daughter have unfortunate luck.”

    How did they both breach Hilary’s defenses? Di’axi and Matarn entered the Bridge.

    “Board op is a go!” Matarn’s calm voice cut through the speculation. Whitehouse linked in, “Got lots of packages!”

    Judgment's voice rumbled, <<Oh good! Now we can set the fireworks! Beware ducks baring gifts!>>

    Mary motioned for Doc and J’ino to remain, “We will need to keep Jupiter primed.”

    Lorain’s eyes were glued to her mother, “Get everyone back in one piece.”

    Z’ahramdus shouted, “Breach!”

    The mental probe highlighted the hated outline of the Jupiter Rising. Terran personnel spilled from the ship. A few readings indicated Scholars and J’kua. Star’s whole merry band of rejects were here. Her pitiless orbs keyed in on Aether. Oh yes.


Issue 1: Here

Issue 3: Here

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