Friday, September 9, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ouroborous Chain: Issue 13

Issue 13: Whatever Happened to Sul’sandra?

    We had to venture to our ancestral home. It lay upon the Path of Ancients. Those first worlds birthed within the same cycle of Elysium. The true histories masked Utharan. Just as they did for other people and places.--Arcane Order Index

    There was no way that Sul would have remained within the safety of Sol and Illarium. Not when we had a chance to break through and reclaim the Markav Collective home system.--Taleer

    Some mysteries lay in wait to be discovered. Others remain dormant for others to clean up. Utharan contained both. --Unseen Archives Vol 2

Outer System


Seat of the Markav Collective

    Sul’sandra examined Goldenlight’s feeds.

    The Eden Gate was dormant. They had taken the old FTL routes to gain purchase to this territory. The Unseen Order had been abundantly clear: Do not use the Eden Gates until the Twins awakened to their purpose. That frightened the Markav Admiral more than she wanted to admit. They were both powerful. Yet not Awakened?! The Red King and Unity were formidable but she feared for the Murphy Twins. What would everything look like after they hit their Apex? How would the Multiverse change? Taleer’s voice cut through her pensive speculation.

    “The planet is shielded. Just as the Collective warned.”

    There were a handful of their ships parked near Goldenlight. In the intervening centuries the vessel had bonded with his human and Hegemony handlers. He didn't see himself as a Collective star ship. After countless hours of conversation with the Jupiter Rising? The old Markav warship concluded his exposure to others higher then himself had given a spark of their essence. There was no other word for it. Could ships have soul shards?

    Goldenlight sent out further probes.

    //Unknown energy detected.//

    In the shadow of the Eden Gate two pearls of elemental fire circled.

    The inheritors had come.

    Mi’thia’s form curled about a set of Suns.

    Sol, A’rgax and H’yola.

    “These originally circled Elysium.”

    Oh boy. No wonder Sol was aware. Dexter’s face held no shock.

    Just acceptance. Voices rang out.

    Sol questioned, “But why? We can see the troubles! Even now Hephaestus builds the Covenant system to clean it all out!” Divine metals chimed within each star. I rubbed my eyes. Why was I able to observe all of this now?!

    A’rgax replied, “He never accepted his mantle. Another is being made for it!”

    Each star’s voice was a mix of sounds. Not words yet I understood them all the same.

    H’yola noted the turmoil below as Elysium met its Shattering End.

    “We will be assigned. Even now the humans escape. Taking the oldest souls with them.”

    Another sun was born between the three: The home star of Bardax Prime.

    It glared at Lucifer and the demonic hoards of Unity. The four suns flew from Elysium.

    Planets formed as each took up its vigil.

    They would form the first barrier beyond the Path of Ancients. Born with the knowledge of Elysium's fall. A home world for those who represented each piece of our reality. The Bardaxians would have ties to the Weave. Typherians would dwell within the physical realm. Certain lines able to manipulate the matter around them. Humanity would guard the deep magics of all. Magic that could rise to change the makeup of Soul Shards.

    The dogs of Earth would share in all three!

    Dexter said, “Baraxians are the eldest of the mortal races. But history was clouded to make many think that Black and White created the eldest.” I sat down heavily, “I’m being shown the truth because I will need it for the...reclamation of the Lost.” Those souls near the edge of the Cliffs of Nothing. Unity and the Red King. Chronos and all his lies. Their very existence was threatened by this truth. So they denied it. With every inch they had.

    Dexter joined me. Hands on his knees, “But you won’t be alone. None of us will. It is why we are half mortal. Everyone will be in this fight. Though some do not know this yet.”

    Lethe rested a palm lightly on the permanent bruise along Mi’thia’s pristine white scale.

    “That is why he left his mark upon you. It would duplicate within all your kin. Letting the Night Realm grow. To supplant all Death Realms.”

    Mi’thia sighed, “Yes Bearer of the Tears. You see the truth. The Red King steals from Life, Twilight and Death. To the ruin of all if we do not stop him. The reforged knife….”

    Lethe’s hand tightened on mine as the Ouro Source Mother continued.

    “….it will trap the Red King within the Ninth Circle. Guarded by the Titans.”

    I interjected, “By Aether.”

    The J’kua who was a Golden Host level Soul Shard. Because of the Shattering. They had each been reborn into the corrupted cycles to make amends or to prepare everyone for that final moment. The Piper. The rest of their brethren housed within my spear. The Titans. Humanity. All of us. Made for a purpose. To correct the greatest calamity to befall creation.

    Dexter watched as the tides of time carried us forward. Many events revealed to their true purpose. I sucked a breath in between my teeth, “By myself. By Dexter. Typha. We will all share in the Vigil.” Each given a purpose. So we didn’t bear the mantle all at once. The mantle.

My heart beat rapidly, “Wait. IF you have to bare his mantle? Then what happens to the Highest if….” My throat seized up. I would not presume to take the role of a god. Dexter reached out to rest an arm over my shoulders, “We have a mantle but we are Avatars. We are being prepared to carry a seed of their ability.”

    The threads melded together. “Trouble and Gulliver took the boy to the future….”

    I chewed a thumbnail. “That baby wasn't a possible vessel for Abbadon but….”

    Dexter finished, “A vessel for Abbadon’s replacement. He already grows within the shadow of the Highest. Taken so far to the future to the energy death of the physical realm. A beginning, middle and end.”

    A distant part of my brain marveled at it. We merely walked the Path.

    I blurted out, “Sol will use the Ark of the Covenant to link all the Eden Gates together once we get past that final Convergence. The final battle. The climb against the realm of desolation.”

    Lethe asked, “What are they?”

    Dexter said, “They are the Gates between Life and Death. For Souls to pass between one level to the next. Some will decide to stay within certain realms of death. Based on their beliefs. Others will reincarnate to other Universes. Planes.” He raised his hands. Ticking off each finger.

    “The Physical Realm has “Dweller Gates” which lead to fixated places within space and time. It is connected to Weave Space. The Realm in between Dreams. Where magic travel is strongest. Our star ships can travel through both. For they are two sides of the same coin.”

    My left eye twitched, “Three Layers.”

    Physical, Weave and Soul. But it was the Soul layer that was in absolute turmoil. That in turn cascaded towards the other two. Lethe murmured, “That’s why you had to cleanse the Arcways. They are the mirrors of the Physical Layer connected to the….”

    Dexter tapped his chest, “Correct. Soul Layer to Eden Gates.”

    I pinched the bridge of my nose, “Weave connected to Arcway Gates. The Ark of the Covenant will attune to all three types and send out a SOUL level cleansing signal. But it has to do it through all three realms all at once. Is my third death the trigger?”

    Dexter nodded, “Yes.”

    Lethe whispered, “She will shield their souls while you….”

    My brother traced a sigil along his forehead, “...smite the black threads that encircle all.”

    The Black Scrawl. The direct manifestation of the initial corruption. I could have kicked myself for not seeing it before. Dexter noted, “You weren’t meant to. You are the fireworks remember?” Another set of boots clicked behind me. Silver with gold outlines. A black set joined. Silver along the edges.

    The Silver Lady said, “We made a mistake in offering Abbadon the role of Deathkeeper. It requires a mortal touch to understand what many fear.” The Void Man rested his hand against the white scales of Mi’thia, “Evil does not see the threads that are bound between life and death. Which is why you were only given the faintest brush of understanding.” His tone was thoughtful. Paternal.

    A teacher.

    I gazed at the splendor around me. “Everything made with a mirror in mind.”

    The Silver Lady said, “Yes. Now you see the pattern. Why we must stop this. I know we ask much of you three. For different reasons.” She held out her hand. A placating gesture.

    Saira formed next to us in a cloud of purple threads.

    The Twilight Thronebearer. Captain Overwatch. We all had so many names.

    She held up three fingers. Pressed them to her heart, “Just wait! Here’s additional fun! Each layer houses a specific version of each planet. To make the crossing easier on all mortals. Edenverse, as you call it? Is the reboot system. When it all goes active? It will perform the rites necessary for those souls to gain purchase at every level. How each cycle was supposed to work.”

    I asked, “Tarkanan?”

    My former clone replied, “The mirror to Elysium! For the Weave Realm.”

    Dexter said, “Yes. I have seen the Death World connected to Elysium. I will not shape it but he will. I am but an extension of his will.” Silver and Void intoned simultaneously, “Just as you are the extension of the Highest.”

    I rubbed my temples, “Another Slumbering….”

    Everyone, “Yes.”

    The Silver Lady smiled, “We had to hide signs and portents everywhere.”

    Lethe jokingly added, “How about we call your cover story Sleeping in Starlight?”

    Mi’thia hummed, <<Yes. That will do.>>

    A man with his white tophat, cane, and suit bowed politely to the Void Man and Silver Lady. “When you go back? It will not be to the current time. You recall the visions of the Bone Throne? The 42nd awaits you.” Twilight sent a closed communication to the Highest, <<Even I was going cross-eyed about the reality of the Ur-Flow/Stone situation.>>

    He replied, <<Give her time to acclimate to this part. Along with everyone else reliving this tale in the Lands of the Eversoul.>>

    The Tower of the Lidless loomed before us.

    I turned, “Just how many ways can you all Time Travel?”

    Captain Overwatch held back a fit of laughter. She wheezed, “Three….”

Void Man responded, “Cheeky...but correct. The Icath Ruling Pairs. Both Life, Death, and Twilight aspects.” The Silver Lady held out her hands. Palms up. “The Brothers of N’iavah.”

    My mouth went dry. The panther pair of “prince and princess.” That I had met on Mars so long ago.

Dexter leaned in.

    >>Yup. Twilight Icath Ruling Pair. But they only go forward in time. Life can go forward and back if together. Death? That will be for later.<< So much I had experienced had been behind a shroud of misdirection. Half truths. All to bind Abbadon tighter to his delusions.

    The Highest pressed his cane into my chest. The tip sunk in and withdrew a familiar homing mark, “The Ur-Stone.”

    The mirrored halls of the Tower of the Lidless rejoiced as I crossed the threshold. At the central room sat the Crystal Coffin. Other forms lay slumbering in bright blue crystal. Eddie. Robin Hood. The Morrigan. I gawked as I saw a one armed version of myself sleeping within the Coffin. A crystalized arm regrowing itself. “You will ride your Sleeve into the Future. Then we can gather the shards of the knife. It will be less painful.”

    Lethe turned to me. “You must take the shards into the sleeve but react properly.”

    I grabbed her as her eyes rolled back into her head.

    Another idea hit. The Highest tipped his hat, “Correct! The 42nd century is the focal point for the ripple affect of the Ark!” Another thought sobered me. “No wonder my mind has to be scrabbled a bit. That way Abbadon doesn’t realize he’s already lost….”

    Dexter said, “Its possible they could win. We aren’t out of the fire yet.”

    I brought Doc over to the crystal coffin. “The Path of the Ancients is where everyone’s Creation level Physical planet is at.”

    The Highest formed a chair of silvered metal. He connected a set of receivers to the Sleeve. “Indeed. To fix a problem? We have the upper level covered. But we need our knights on the ground as well.” The receivers sank into the flesh.

    Bio mechanical. All of them were attuned to me.

    Dexter noted, “You have done this before. You just don’t remember yet.”

    I replied, “Silver Fox. Far future me.” I regarded Dexter openly.

    “You’ve talked to your future self too haven’t you?”

    “Yes. As needed. Like a computer even our living and decaying Universe has stop gaps to prevent total collapse. Victory isnt assured. The Vigil will remain.”

    Just not with our generation. It will be passed on properly.

    The Highest brushed a lock of hair out of the way. “I will bring you to the Soul chamber of the Tower. You will sleep for a time. Then awaken within that sleeve. When you see Thoth? Make sure he climbs the first few steps towards the Bone Throne. Dexter will lift your soul from the Sleeve as the knife enters its body.”

    I noted the augmented innards. It would negate a proper majority of the knife’s dread influence. Dexter reclined within my shadow. >>Your real body shall do the rest.<< I couldn't see beyond a certain point in time via the Ur-Flow. I let my mind relax.

    One step at a time.

    Captain Overwatch pressed a bottle into my belt. Sentinel barked happily, <<Wondrous gift! Thank you! I will remind you upon second Awakening!>>

    She grinned. Her eyes sparked with that familiar gray gaze. Minus the black of a Typherian. “I wouldn't even try to keep any of this straight. I bet the historians will have a field day making the timeline notes!”

    The Highest pressed a hand to his heart, “That’s the point! The historians will only have bits of the true picture.” He winked at me as the seal around the crystalline seat closed.

    The Eliza known as Silver Fox grunted as another memory thread coiled about the Knife Trap Sleeve unit. Her brow furrowed. Sentinel floated beside her. He raised his dire wolf head as a particular note responded. Within the Ur? She could sift through the memories of all her alternative selves. From each Universe. Even some that had fallen into the Abyss of the Red King. Those were useful but dangerous. Anna had been quite correct. Those fallen versions must not come to pass. One crystal pulsed under her finger tips. A mix of gold, black and silver.

    She leaned back in the Life Thread chair. Letting the song work the kinks out of her stiff muscles.

    Comet’s image rose to the forefront, “Let’s move you over by Sul and Taleer. They will need a bit of backup.” The ancient Markav Collective home world would prove fruitful. Provided they past the tests guarding it. Gentle fingers plucked at her silver sleeves. She turned to regard the child. His face was kind. His eyes were a prism of colors, “So this is why my brother hid me here. With you! I am sorry to be a burden.” His face fell.

    I held out a hand to the child. He didn’t have a name. Not until the final act. I would see that future born for all. “You have never been a burden.” He saw the truth in my words. I couldn't lie. That was the point. My poker face was still the worst. Lethe descended from the portal above us. Another set of pristine soul shards in her hands. The warm glow of the Tears made them translucent for a fraction of a second. He took my offered hand.

    He spoke quietly, “What of Matarn and his family?”

    I replied, “I have them right where they are needed.”

    Matarn stared up at the half built pyramids. His family beside him. Di’axi gestured, “Its not a case of where but when.” Sy’ra waved as the silver armored woman landed. Her Anubis helmet retracted.

    Eliza said, “Looks like you all need some refreshments. This way!” Triangular black ships darted to and from the city.

    She continued, “I have Jacob working on designs. Gilgamesh sector is primed.”

    Matarn asked, “All this to reclaim Elysium.”

    Eliza’s helmet clicked back into place. Her voice modulated.

    “Yes. Every ship. Every shard. While we breach Elysium? Other Unseen Hands will do the rest.”

Issue 12: Here

Issue 14: Here

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