Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Paragons---Morality Aspects


Intro: Here

This mindset here is the PREVALENT factor in why many comics aren't aimed at kids anymore. Paragon stories can be aimed at kids or adults. Silver Age Superman was my first exposure as a child. Alongside all the Super Pets. It's alright to create stories that DONT CATER TO THIS VIEW. 

In many cases, old-style Superman readers clash with the Snyder Superman Viewers for the above posted reason. Because those who want an additional layer of "realism" see the "NO KILL" rule as idiotic vs their WoD or Narrative Tension. It's a case of PREFERENCES. 

Different elements make for variations in cooking. Overlap happens but what knocks one person out of a story will draw another in.

I'll get back to this later. First? 

Types of Moral Paragons. 

  • The Absolutist: No Gray. Black and White Thinking. Even willing to kill if needed. Your Solomon Kanes. They usually act within their moral code.
  • The Guardian: Uses their powers for the Ultimate Good. How I see Classic to Bronze Age Superman. Even if they are the depowered Byrne Era Superman. They use their power benevolently. They could rule through sheer force but decline to do so.
  • The Shield: Could on a quest for Repentance. Will sacrifice everything to save the Innocent. Paladin types. Paragons can have aspects of all three. It's how you mix and match elements to create a paragon you want to read or write about in a story.
PS: Not Picking on the Poster. I actually agree with him over here.

We just don't see eye to eye on Superman. 

Types of Physical Paragons:

  • The Peak: They are at the top of their game. Until another physical Paragon knocks them off their perch. Usually used to indicate the threat level of the other characters. Superman is often used this way to establish who's the next big threat. If used well? It can elevate a foe. IE: Doomsday.
  • The Ladder: Goku. Everyone aims to overtake whoever is near the top. Shonen setups with physical paragons love to add to the ladder so the Gokus can keep climbing alongside their dynamic side cast.
  • The Inheritor: Usually gets their powers gifted to them. (Shazam/Capt Marvel) one who can embody the physical manifestations of Virtues. Ultraman can also be considered thus. 
Types of Mentor Paragons:

  • The Teacher: Merlin or Aslan or Gandalf. They often guide the main heroes on their journey. 
  • The Advisor: Lorien (Babylon 5) At the peak of their experience. Often elder races will respect them.
  • The Ethereal: They may not exist upon the physical plane or they reach a higher level within a spiritual one. (Jackson from SG1 managed to reach an enlightened Ascended state for a while for example.)
These can also overlap to different degrees within any single Paragon character. 

(To be Continued/Updated!)

(Insanity Paragons: Yes, they do exist. Often used within Parody. )

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