Thursday, November 10, 2022

The Uplift Protocol The Ourobourous Chain: Issue 28


Issue 28: The Piper’s Soul

    My flute shall carry across the Three. Summoning all those with the will to fight. Not only for those who walk among the living. For all that dwell within all Three Layers of the Wall.--The Piper

    Every aspect of Magic is tied to all Three “Walls.” Its no mistake that old lore obfuscated the nature of reality. Many only will encounter the Physical Wall. Those who can dive into all Three? They are the ones to watch. For Good or Evil.--Sir Avalon

    The rabbit is out of the hat. So to speak. How to catch a man who can manipulate all three layers of the Wall? The Oversoul and the Highest went about it via time manipulation and the willing service of the good people of the multiverse. Within Eden all the fruits of that labor surfaced. Evil was never idle. Like anything else it bides its time. Waiting for the perfect moment to strike.--Unseen Archives Vol 6 (Indexing Required. Please state specific cycle date for further inquiries.)


Middle Rings

    The shield world vibrated.

    <<Initiating Jump. All units accounted for.>>

    The Puzzler ran towards the central lift. Everything grayed out. Except for himself. Two rock solid hands stopped him from skidding into the arched walkway. He turned. Dexter peered down at him. His face half hidden by a blackened helm. Three golden circles in a triangle pattern adorned the metal above the nose guard. Eddie stared into those Typherian orbs. Older than the cosmos itself. His demi power ignited. Not only was Dexter outlined in purple, it shifted to gold, then silver. “What on earth?!” Dexter smiled. “There is more to you my friend. Do you think it was mere chance you grew up with my sister?”

    Eddie whirled around. Eliza was leaning against the pillar. Her face lined with age. Much akin to a well preserved 60. Her aura was doing the same pattern. In reverse. He circled the Twins. Studied the auras. Silver Fox began walking counter clockwise to the Puzzler. Her expression controlled. As she passed her brother the auras blended. Eddie sputtered.


    The world returned to color. The Twins vanished.

    Survitor bots, in the shape of squares descended.

    “Please stand by for Jump.”

    His arms fell to his sides as they erected protective sigils over his body.

    Jacob backpedaled as a bright silver orb appeared in the sky above the Soul Layer of the planet. Taleer attempted to summon a barrier but Comet proclaimed, “Restored. They will bring the planet into its full function!”

    Utharan materialized before them as a Markav cloaked within silver and purple robes.

    <<Ahh. It has been many ages since I felt the warmth of Elysium calling out! Goodness!>>

    Utharan called out, “Tarkanan!”

    A black orb joined the silver. It muttered dryly, “Announcing everything are we?”

    Jacob stared. Each “planet” had a soul.

    Taleer asked, “This is all well and good but why are you all here?”

    Sul added, “Weren't we supposed to help Elysium?”

    She bit back a yelp of surprise when a lime green hand passed through her shoulder.

    The man’s neatly trimmed red beard made her heart sink.

    “Piper!” Her Warden sense said he wasn't just having an out of body experience.

    The scholar bowed his head. Hand to his heart. He wore a variant of the Jupiter Rising uniform. Its white jacket adorned with three black circles. Rats formed at his feet. Their voices whispering. “His soulmarker isnt here. Must search!”

    Piper made a tsk tsk noise in the back of his throat. His rodents sat on their haunches.

    Piper waved his hand and his flute appeared. Its haunting melody carried them away.

    Taleer shouted, “NO!”

    All around them was the void. No stars. The hum of the Weave was absent. His Warden aura faded. Resonance depleted all he could do was kneel into the ashes of oblivion. Thoth had won. There was nothing left.

    The everlasting dark closed in on him.

    Sul’sandra brought her rifle to bear.

    Bone crunched underneath her boots. Brittle. Crackling against the everlasting silence.

    Metal glinted against moonlight. Sul aimed. Her shot rang true. A shadowed form fell forward. Then split into three parts. One to the Shadow of the Soul Layer. One existed within the physical. While the final part floated skyward. To merge with the Weave. Ghostly fingers plucked at her armor. “Locate all three! Or oblivion awaits us all!”

    She screamed as the sky split open.

    A man with a blood red crown leered down at her. His features obscured.

    There is no reality. We are just skin.”

    Jacob continued to climb.

    His back shredded. Eliza was above him. Black ichor dripped down. As each drop hit his face the voices of the condemned keened. Her face was composed but horrid scars crossed crossed her body. Her Silver Defender armor pitted with burns. Still she climbed. He glanced below. His throat tightened. It was an abyss. Lucifer’s orange eyes gleamed. He taunted Eliza. The words lost in the background rumble of pained shouts.

    Eliza never looked back.

    Another feather fell from his back.

    That wasn't right. He examined his hands. They were not his own.


    The Piper continued to play.

    They would hold the pieces between them. Eliza wouldn't understand now. Silver threads combined with the vibrant purple of the Markav planet. Green of Tarkanan joined. They would be the new Wall. Once Thoth was found. Sealed away. As the last notes faded the three travelers returned.

    Jacob's fingers found Taleer’s shoulder. Everything blurred. The pain was nigh unbearable. The male Markav stared blankly into the shrouded twilight above. Sul cradled her head in her hands. Tears formed between those fingers. Every drop sent a ripple across the soul layer. Doc landed next to them. Her eyes silver flames. Jacob gasped, “Lady of...”

    Lethe crouched. Pressed a thumb to his forehead.

She repeated the process on the other two.

Lorain stood. Jacob mouthed, “It’s not what he….”

    I couldn't move a muscle. Elysium’s updates didn’t help.

    <<Arbiter! It is recommended you stay near the Reliquary.>>

    I inhaled sharply.

    My third eye throbbed. Omu’sul’s voice rose within my memory.

    Which aspect holds true?

    I anchored my body into the physical. I sent my mind floating towards the Weave.

    My soul brushed the Lower Road. The Soul Layer. All legends held a kernel of the truth.

    Omu’sul’s wrinkled purple face gleamed in the fire light. Excellent!

    All aspects flow through all. Mastery is another matter all together!

    The Tarvelian’s orange eyes locked onto mine.

    Bring the Light Shamans, Soul Wardens and Demis of the Laylines together. Each will seek what you need. Each ties into the Wall of Creation. Only then can all the Ouro shine together. Even the Unseen.

    The pressure upon my body ceased. Elysium stated tranquilly, <<All hands prepare for planetary flux.>>

    My father lifted me to my feet. “That’s what he was waiting for!”

    Mom took my left arm, “You have to ascend through the golden dome over there!”

    Bright blue waters flowed skyward. Through a golden triangle. Through the Ouroborous of Elysium. I said, “This is all Silver Fox’s doing.” Mom nodded.

    “The reality is? It's your doing. But so far out in the future my mind is still only just hanging on by the fingertips!”

    My father added helpfully, “We play our cards right? We can prevent Thoth from destroying everything. He thinks final dominion is beyond the barriers of the Oversoul.”

    I clutched my head as trillions of voices merged through each layer.

    C’alain held out his hand. It was warm. “Easy now! Focus. Each voice joins you.”

    No, it wasn’t C’alain. Not entirely. My grandfather, Abraham Murphy stood before me, his clothing covered with sigils unfamiliar to me. His glazed eyes a thunderous blue-gray, no whites. He shouted, “Release the Laylines of Earth.”

    Golden rays circled. The Cosmic intoned, “We see you, shield brothers and sisters to Earth.”

    Blue waves lapped around the edges. Water rushed by, “I shall flow through the void.”

    Flames warmed my face.

    Fire rose above the waves. “Heat eternal. We shall guard your back!”

    An Iron Bull weaved through the flames. “Foundation across time. We shall endure!”

    Above me, the Void Line materialized. It encompassed them all. The stars whirled by as countless galaxies appeared. “Here we stand. Summoned for common purpose.”

    None of them merged. Separate but equal.

    Cosmic, Water, Fire, Iron, and Void. Bands of the Weave circled around the pale blue dot. Purple threads rose to tied all three layers together. Earth herself was awakened. I couldn’t sense Typha. Dexter said, >>That one is mine to command.<<

    The Throne Sight of Earth flowed through me. Typha’s throne emerged from the Lunar surface. Dexter reached out. His fingers brushed the cold metallic surface. “Now our real mandate emerges.”

    My hands brushed the marble armrests. Dark as the Void itself. It resided within all three layers. My mind expanded. Time halted. No. I went outside of Time itself. I dared not look to the skies above me. The Void Man laughed, “Smart. Yet you may gaze upon the sliver of the infinite.”

    Typha no longer circled it’s home system. It resided with Earth. Just like my visions. Earth and Typha circled another planet. A prison. The Ninth Circle. Its blackened surface appeared between the scales of the titans encircling it. Elysium, Tarkanan and Utharan took up residence within the old territory of Eden Typha.

    Voices cried out, “Arbiter!”

    “Sector 12259 besieged.”

    “Urraden forces...”

    “UEF mandated noted...”

    I concentrated. Finding one voice that rose above the others. Her hatred raw. Unyielding.

    Dominion cackled, “The cripple has a clue! Shall I pluck it out?!”

    I pulled away. Soul interceding within the Weave. Placing a few potent sigils behind within the physical. Dominion’s startled cry let me know she met resistance. Omu’sul clapped me on the back, “Well that was an interesting start. Then again you were never the stealthy type.” Doc placed her hands on my temples.

    “Your nose is bleeding. Don’t go hunting Void Walkers just yet.”

    Unlike the others, she carefully placed herself in my lap.

    I watched as the Piper continued to play. He was to the left of my brother.

    Captain Overwatch waved enthusiastically in my direction.

    She said, “Now the fun really begins!”

    The features of the figure next to her were blurred out.

    Piper watched over Dexter as the Arbiter sat upon his Throne. It’s white metal interlinked with massive marble pieces. His counterpart watched over Captain Overwatch upon her Twilight Throne. All the pieces were falling into place. One only had to carry out the will of the Oversoul. They had to find Thoth. No matter the cost. Otherwise Taleer’s vision would become the reality.

    Then the cycles would start all over.

    This was the 7th time Elysium had been restarted.

    There had to be an end.

    Piper continued to play. His soul rang out into the Infinite.

    Eden would make a difference.

    Abbadon clutched the pearl to his chest. “Not possible!”

    The third had died! He had made sure of it!

    That simpering meat sack’s voice cut through the din.

    You need my body.

    Thoth grinned as the words had the intended effect. He would still be on time for his appointment at the Bone Throne. This time the Oversoul wouldn't stop him. He would go beyond all of them. Even little Abbadon. That one had only brushed against the Nothing. Thoth had bathed in its power. Sacrificing countless souls to do it.

    Abbadon snarled, “You are only useful as a shell!”

    He raised his arms. He would enter the Physical. The prized realm of this Star Spangled Banner. All those who felt the pull of the dark would join him. Earth herself would be a sundered ruin by the time he was done. Wearing Thoth’s face. That one would bare the burdens of failure.

    Abbadon hissed, “In the end you are only fuel!”

    Thoth’s silence was broken by one word.


Issue 27: Here

Issue 29: Here

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