Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: Issue 12

Issue 12: A Bardaxian’s Tale

“The Universe is constantly changing. A wise Bardiaxian will keep ever vigilant. Forever looking to the stars but always reminded of Home. The Faith of the Green shines all the brighter along your path.”-A Primer on Interstellar Diplomacy.

“Finds the Path, we have reason to believe that Keeper agents have infiltrated the Human side of the A51 complex, we have yet to pinpoint the agents as of yet.”—Internal Security update Logged 1229.

Hall of Ages, Typhos
A’rgax Central City (Typha, Heart of the Typherian Ascendency)
October 12th, 2091 (200 ACF)

            I still remember the day I first met Cooper. I loved all the Bardaxians I had met so far but Cooper, if I had to list an ultimate bias, it would be for him, everything I ever wanted in a best four-footed friend and companion. I dearly loved my Bardaxian A51 security friends, especially Snoopy, but that GSD took the cake. -Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

Guards-The-Stars, otherwise known as Green Defender of Home Sector Bardax, was having a rather trying day.  The various smells assaulting his nose didn’t help dissuade him from hunger. That most vital of components quivered with intense concentration. His triangular black ears perked forward. High pitched laughter registered. 

Feminine and light.  

He turned from the veritable buffet of morsels before him. The emerald green barrier of his belt fading as he floated gently to the ground. A Typherian child, no more than 20 standard cycles stood behind him. Her gray-blue eyes held bemusement. She reached out and gave him a generous pat on his head. His tail responded in kind. With a rather dramatic flourish, she stated,
“My esteemed Aunt, the Queen Consort of Typha requests an audience with you dear Bardiaxian. It is a rather unusual matter but she feels this assignment would suit you rather nicely.”
Guards-The-Stars considered the child for a moment, then: “As you say! I wish only to help.” His head tilted back and forth, knowing that this action delighted most other sentient life. It was a masterclass strategy taught to all Bardaxians. She clasped her hands together with a clap of delight. “Oh yes, I do believe my dear Earthbound relative will adore you.”
He let out a boisterous cry of joy. Bounding into the air, swirling around the young lady in his excitement, for his people were known for their great love of life. The King’s Own, the personal guard force of the Typherian nobility and Major Houses just maintained a silent but dignified stance. As was expected. Their H.U.Ds lit up with various colors as the Bardaxian danced around their heads. 

 “AH! The planet that has even more delicious combinations of nutrients. I have heard that the foodstuff called bacon is the best delicacy in that sector. Wait? Why is one of the Ayeer House over there anyway? The Earthers haven’t even mastered their solar system yet. Plus, Voidwalkers!”

His gaze narrowed. Ears perked forward, twitching: alert for any dangers. The enemy wouldn’t dare attack here. Just thinking of the Keepers made his fur stand on end. To think of the things that Earth was vulnerable to made him want to flush out all the wicked things in the multiverse.
The child, known as E’taria of House M’tah, gave the Green Defender a knowing look. “Well, just because they aren’t eligible yet doesn’t mean we are in stasis with regards to investment. My aunt and uncle see the potential of Earth. If they had not, my cousins wouldn’t have been sent to establish an embassy.”
She guided the Defender to the main complex at the heart of the city. To her aunt and uncle. The future of everyone awaited. Even if many of the Houses didn’t realize it yet.


V’alkor looked up as his niece and her entourage arrived. She sat down on the recliner. “Well, I have brought him. So what kind of plot are you putting in motion Uncle? I bet it would send the rest of the Major Houses into a frenzy.” The giant Typherian just gave her a huge smile, placing some H’itah on the table, its aroma filling the air with various sweet-smelling spices. His gray eyes crinkled at the corners. His deep baritone rumbled out, “Well if my seneschal had his way, I’d be “curating” the throne matrix for the rest of my years. My dear wife and I have our plans. We just have to wait for that day just a bit longer. But Guards here, he will be key in getting some things across to Eliza that’s a bit under the radar.”
E’taria grinned, “Even though I understand the caution for Uplift Protocol, the other houses have no sense of how painful the weight of it is. Our frontline people, that’s a whole other matter.” V’alkor indicated agreement with a weary nod of his head. His shoulders cracked as he stretched out, arms behind his head. He called out on the Family line, 

>>M’taris! Our guest has arrived. Can you bring the package with you?<<

Area 51, Uplifted Complex Level 1
Earth (US Facility)
October 14th, 2091

Thomas received an alert from his wife over the coms. It was in text only:

My parents are up to something.

He quirked an eyebrow. This should be fun, he mused. He answered a closed vid-call from Eliza, “Hey Marshmellow Man! I just got some In-Flight Traning sims done over at NASA’s Jumpstart facility. They say I scored pretty high for flight aptitude. I might not be a science type but luckily they have lots more on the table.  From the looks of it, Eddie is on the fast track for T.A Reporter corp. Good tech-savvy on him. Doc just got some AP courses done. Check-in later Pops!” The message cut off but not before Thomas saw the giant flight sim in the background. That place was a boon. 

She was learning civilian flight programs while on the flip side, her demi counterpart got to learn other basics. He tapped into the classified feed on NASAs Jumpstart hub. As the Banner was about to enter a gyro pod. Its white outer casing was stenciled with the USA/NASA Logo. His father was putting her through her paces. Made sense. Felt like his little girl was learning something new every day but the fundamentals were always the most important. His wife linked to the channel as well. 

J’ino winced at her daughter’s antics. Thomas chipped in, “Looks like she takes more after you then we initially suspected.” His wife rolled her eyes but he was correct. Her family loved to fly. Never bound to the confines of the gravity well.

Abraham Murphy stared at his holo screen. So far Eliza and the others had done well with the practice runs. When training new demis, especially if they wanted to go Legion, it was vital that 2 to 3 veteran demis would always shadow them. The newest series of tests would be rather interesting. He could only imagine the delight his granddaughter would have at this next phase of testing.

North Ashbury, NASA facility
USA (Texas)
October 14th, 2091

            I let out a whoop as the Gyro Accelerator picked up more speed, hitting Mach 10. Even though I could fly much faster then this thing could ever go, that wasn’t the point of this exercise. It was mostly about control. Maneuvering at high speeds. This entire room was custom built to help me master my abilities without putting the general population at risk. I never truly got to test myself. Even now I knew I was holding back because of the fear I’d hurt someone or something important. 

The Accelerator suddenly changed direction and I went careening into the wall in front of me. I bounced for a few hundred yards then slid majestically along the observation dome. I waved to my audience. Determined to keep my spirits high. Failure just means you keep picking yourself up. I could almost hear Dad saying, “Eliza, check all your corners. Even in space, something can jump you. Shoot ever forward!”

Golden Bulleteer just whistled and winced. Beside him, Doctor Impossible hid a grin behind her white gloves. She was decked out in the latest tech Earth could provide. Her suit was green and white. A giant black I stenciled on the chest. The utility belt held all sorts of surprises. She wouldn’t tell me what was in all of them, because apparently, some girls don’t like to gossip about their accessories. I think she was just having a bit of fun at my expense.  “Alright enough with the training, get back up here to the meeting room. We got a mission for you kids.” 

I grinned. Giving them both a thumbs up.

Hopefully, it was something that could help us build a rapport as a unit. Granted the last few missions were about testing our abilities, making it work, seeing how we could augment everything but we still needed even more practical experience.

The Doctor’s green dynamo mask had the same kind of setup as Bulleteer’s. Meant that other supers and entities wouldn’t be able to ID her as easily. Good thing too. Otherwise, I think I would’ve been even more protective. I shook my head. Stay on Mission.
She doesn’t need a chaperone. She needed a leader and team-mate. Meanwhile, the Puzzler was testing out what he called his Captain Cosmos gear. The bright green energy rounds lit up the firing range in the left corner of the Jumpstart complex. He had a decent sense of aim. Plus I could see his Holocam flashing ever so often. Jonas could still be a bit of a ham. His heart was in the right place though. 

The Bulleteer waited as we gathered into the conference room. His grin was the widest I had ever seen it, “So….” He drawled out, “Who’s up for going to the moon?”
The Puzzler and I let out excited cheers. Doc. Impossible brought up her lunar module maps and holo-data. Finally! The vigors of space. Just like in the holo-vids. Bulleteer whistled sharply, “Furthermore, we will be using the Osirus facility to board our ship to the Moon.”

Oh boy. Now that caught my attention.

Utasa Sector 208, Earth Observation Barrier
Edge of Terran Alliance Space (Allowable)
October 14th, 2091

Q’vera, Red Defender of Typha Sector came to a dead stop. Arranged before her was a pirate fleet. Its mishmash of ships firing into the barrier protecting the Terrans from riffraff like this. Beside her, Guards-the-Stars bared his teeth.

>>Pirates are nasty tail biters. Notifying T.S.F security now. 5 other Defenders inbound!<<

She didn’t disagree in the slightest. If there was one thing a Defender hated more than even the Keepers, it was thieves like this that wanted to pillage developing civilizations. Red and green burned within the void as they dived into the heart of the marauder fleet. At one point, the pirate flagship had 3 Bardaxians, including Guards, biting into the main reactor of the vessel. Their absolute glee echoing along the Defender line indicated they had disabled the ship. She opened the link to hear their vigorous barking. 

“Unless you want me to order these usually very kind defenders to further eat your ship into oblivion, I suggest you surrender. Unless you want to talk to an Omega.” The 4 armed pirates, their dark brown eyes wide with fear, merely nodded. “PARLEY! WE SURRENDER!” 

Guards-The-Stars growled deep in his chest, his black tail swishing about, >>Very wise little biter man.<< He incased all of them in a green light, pulling them out of their ship, to the void of space. A Typherian Frigate jumped in, the area around it bending in a bright swirl of colors, hailing all the Defenders in the area.

“Lady Ayeer, we will take them from here. They are wanted by the Conglomerate on charges of thievery and murder. The Rouges of Brightmark 7 will no longer trouble anyone.” Q’vera rolled her eyes at the honorific. More like imprisoned royalty. Voted into the position for the sheer fact that her family was known for its honor and trustworthiness. For over 5000 of their cycles her House got the honor of “maintaining” the throne. 

What bullshit. Any Typherian could maintain it. They just found it more convenient to lay it all on the feet of one house. Mostly due to stopping the Hidden House: Urraden. She just shook her head, “Thanks Utasa Actual. Deliver these guys to the closest penial colony for judgment. I have a package to deliver to our Embassy on Earth.”

Camp Osiris, Research Facility, Docking Bay
USA (Texas)
October 14th, 2091

            I have an odd feeling in my stomach. I know dad says not to worry. Because my status as the Banner gives me some access to his working facility but I still maintain a respectful distance. Better not to know some things. Beside me, the Puzzler and Doc. Impossible maintained a sense of being professional. Plus it helped that we all knew how important my dad was. Plus his position as Director of Project Osirus, aka THUMPING Central. Father wasn’t the type of guy to run standard ops. Based on what grandpa told me.

                General Murphy placed an access key on the door. Along with a retinal scan, a vital scan, and a DNA scan. 

It wooshed open. 

The Golden Bulleteer waved us all through. Dad shared a glance with him. Both straining very hard to maintain a professional demeanor. Sure, no outward deviations on their faces but their emotional auras were a kaleidoscope of activity.
I just stopped dead in my tracks. My mouth agape at what I see standing before me. On the docking pad, swathed in emerald light, a green and gold sash twirling around him, was what looked like a German Shepherd Dog. His sable black fur was covered in a partial set of interlinked green plates that give off an inner radiance. The sigils on the belt have silver lettering inscribed along the outer edges. His large brown eyes locked on to mine and his tail started to kick up a whirlwind.
Snoopy wasn’t kidding: Defenders were quite the experience.
He had boundless energy.
Commander Mary Herbert Lanis beat me to the punch by hugging him to her chest. That was alright. It gave me a moment to marshal my thoughts. 

He floated above my head, circling like any other canine would, testing the air. His tail continued its excitable wagging. 

<<Greetings! I am Guards-the-Stars! My superiors in the Defender Corps say I am to be the Bardaxian representative on your team. Does this mean I get a hidden name? You smell delicious! What is an Apple Pie?>> He looked at the rest of our group. His intelligent eyes lock onto my father. His ears perk forward. His head tilts back and forth. He nodded in understanding.

<< Apologies. I let the moment of Greetings get the better of me.>>
He glided down next to my right side, lifted one of his paws, and placed it against my shoulder. 

<<To the Lunar plains we must go. One other  is awaiting us there.>>

General Murphy indicated a small ship nearby. It looked to be Terran in manufacture but when we all step inside, it appeared to be years, maybe decades more advanced than anything on Earth. The displays activated, pulling up as various energy matrixes. They hum in sync with one another. My father stopped at the foot of the ramp. His face was set. Pride was at war with paternal instincts. 

I turned back. “Yes, sir?”
“Good hunting.”
I nodded solemnly.
I promise I won't let you down father.


J’ino entered the ship as Eliza was greeting Guards-The-Stars. Her armor cloaking her from everyone. The package that her sister had delivered earlier on full display inside her helmet.
Star will interlink with the Ur’ Stone.
Let it happen: The codes were signed with her parent’s official brands of office.
She gritted her teeth. Why was that thing so important. At first, the Terrans thought it was some sort of weapon. From what her people’s scans could tell, it was some sort of energy matrix. It had markings. They hadn’t been able to break the language barrier on it just yet. She settled herself in the rearmost portion of the ship. Based on the conversations: They all thought this was a super-secret Terran prototype. It was, after a fashion. It had Typherian elements. Mostly to map out Eliza’s particular physiology and brain structure. V’alkor wanted to build a very special type of ship that would be wholly suited to his grand daughter’s abilities. J’ino couldn’t argue with that. Far too many still felt that Eliza was broken. Especially those of the various House medical divisions.
Soon they would be on the Moon.
She interlinked with Thomas’ coms: 

//JA: This is linked to that Jupiter project my father is cooking up.//
//TM: Not even shocked at this point. Actually, as of this moment, she’s better in a flight sim. Decent marks in some other areas but I can already tell, that’s her main passion. Even though….yeah. More interested in ships then some of her actual abilities. That’s our girl.//
//JA: Told you our family was even more space happy.//
//TM: Just the way I like it.//


We all strap in for our trip. I still marveled at all the tech around me. I turned towards Bulleteer. His black beard was quivering. “Like what you see kiddo? The General tells me it’s a special project. Part of what he does. We don’t have the proper clearance of course but he’s always loved the allure of space. All those stars twinkling out there.”

The Bardaxian floated over to me and rested his head on top of mine. <<All will be well, shall we embark upon our quest, I wish to know more of these Earth things. Like bacon. Steak. Maybe what you call Eggs. Pancakes and syrup look extremely fun!>> 

I thought for a few moments. A name kept working its way to the surface. I know it's sappy and sentimental but I love that old movie. Can’t have a Murphy without a Cooper. 

The Green Defender in question didn’t think I was being silly at all. His mind's voice was bright and happy. The belt around his waist flared. I reached out to give him a tentative scratch on the chin. His ears flattened against his head as I moved to the scruff of his neck. 

<<Hidden name! Yes! I am the Cooper Murphy. IRIS Agent, Green of the Faith, Bardaxian Explorer! Friend to Earth. Eliza/Star my family too.>>

I wasn’t quite sure what he meant by IRIS Agent but let it pass for now. Must have been something to do with my father’s project. I scooped him up in my lap and we both just floated there. Waiting for the ship to dock with NASA’s Lunar Research Station. 

Everyone decided to ignore the tears that threatened to escape. I rubbed at them to clear any remaining dust. Yeah, that’s it. Just some allergies. This universe must be something special if a race like this existed. Even now the revelation still stuck with me. Noble and true sentient dogs. Maybe they could help our dogs reach the same level one day. Eventually, my grandfather stated that we were cleared to disembark. Excluding me and Cooper, everyone else equipped specialized suits.

 At the rear of the ship, one of the main hanger doors opened. Its circular iris revealed the grey-white landscape of the Moon. 

NASA Research Facility, Landing Pad Orion
Luna City (The Moon)
October 14th, 2091

            The cyroplast domes of the city gleamed in the darkness. My first impulse was to go flying off to see the Apollo site but Bulleteer reached out for me and positioned himself in front of us all. His vacuum-enviro suit condensed around him like a shield then relaxed as he continued his scan of the area. Cooper trotted out ahead of us, sniffing around the landing ramp, his tail at the alert position.

            Ahh, right. I felt my face grow hot. Remain focused. My dad’s advice echoed in my head. When in the field, stay on target, threat assessment. What is happening in the environment. I compelled myself to relax. To follow protocol and the chain of command. I decided now would be a good time to scan everything I could gaze upon. Many different spectrums came back as standard but one. The Ur Stone. It’s various etchings, even from my long-distance vantage point, called out like a siren song in the deep. The same words kept droning outward.




            Doctor Impossible tugged at my hand. The golden sheen of her visor reflecting the panoramic view. I could even see Earth reflected in it. I coasted next to her, keeping my head on a swivel, checking the corners. Finally one of the Head Admins from the NASA site gave us clearance to proceed to the Stone. Bulleteer gave the all-clear signal and we set out. The Puzzler took the rear guard while Cooper strode confidently out as primary recon. Doc maintained a solid grip on my forearm as we venture outward into the glittering dark. I get a distinct impression it's mostly to keep me grounded. 

            A flash of admonishment buzzed along my brain followed by a trickle of humor. 

            I glanced around. Where did that twinge come from?

J’ino pulled up short. Giving her daughter a very probing look. Star had felt that! Even with the emotional dampeners in place within her Banner Uniform. Area 51 specialists felt it was needed to prevent another Puzzler type incident. OR even a similar one from when she was young. While the memory procedure could re-write or replace certain things, emotional profiles could not be masked.

She keyed in a set of messages via her H.U.D, then they were relayed to the Embassy, her husband’s face filled the com screen. “How are things? Cooper chasing any space-bound squirrels?” She giggled. Then gave herself a mental kick. 

“You do that on purpose!” Her tone was semi-serious. She hated it when she laughed or giggled.

Thomas shrugged, a coy grin forming: “So sue me, I like it when you laugh.”

“He did just find someone or something. I'll keep you posted.”

The newest member of the Murphy clan was circling a giant crater.

I gave the area another scan, making sure to check all levels of the visual spectrum I could think of. Nothing. So what emotions did I key in on? I glanced down at Doc. She met my gaze and gave me a small nod. Not her. She was as cool as ice. As far as expressive output went. Very focused. If I had to guess it was mostly due to the environment we were in.
Cooper kept forging ahead, hovering above one of the various craters. His mouth was moving, most likely rapid barking, but since this was a vacuum, the sound really wouldn’t echo externally. He formed a green construct, it was shaped in the form of a claw, his tail was a flurry of activity. He settled into a pointing position as we reached the lip of the crater.
A man in an exo-suit waved frantically, pointing at his right leg, which was buried up to the thigh in lunar groundwork. I’m next to him in a flash. He lifted his outer visor and through the speaker, on a separate com line, I can hear him rapidly talk in Russian.  As he is speaking, Cooper opens a link, translating it for me:
Пожалуйста, помогите! Моя нога застряла в лунной пыли! Милая Американская Леди? Да? Почему эта собака летит?
Please help! My leg is caught in the lunar dust! Nice American Lady? Yes? Why is that dog flying?
I glanced at the Puzzler, he gave double finger guns.
You got this boss. It seemed to say.
 Golden Bulleteer formed a metallic disk, hovering above us in an overwatch position while I focused my vision on the ensnared leg. Some sort of metallic object was intertwined on the bottom half of his grav-boots. I waved at Cooper,  “See if you can construct a rope to encircle his waist, ill dig out that leg of his. Something has hooked itself to his foot.”

Cooper gave an affirmative bark. Then a green rope secured itself around the trapped man. He stared at my companion with a mix of amazement and relief. Then I began to dig.
With a swish, his leg was freed, but something was underneath.
 I gawked in astonishment.
A sphere was still entrapped within the lunar surface.
It was easily 50 feet in diameter. With a copper hue.
The Russian looked almost as dazed as I am. He then turned to me and gave me a thumbs up. I reciprocated.
After about 10 mins we finally pried him loose from the unusual object. I didn’t want to risk overdoing it. So I motioned for the Puzzler to help me unhook the more delicate parts of the Russan’s enviro suit-boot from the frame of the globe. His ever-present Holo cam getting the rescue from every angle.
 I gave him an initial boost and Cooper hauled him out the rest of the way. The cosmonaut gives himself a good once over and pinged the NASA outpost. 

Разрешение на ремонт аванпоста НАСА до возвращения в собственно Луна-Сити.
Authorization for repairs at NASA outpost before rejoining Luna City proper.
They gave him the go-ahead.
He shot me a grateful wave and headed off in the direction of the NASA research station. I waved back as he trotted out of sight. Out here in space, we are all travelers. 

The copper sphere remained inert. Golden Bulleteer made a quick chopping motion.
His coms flared to life: “Based on what I can sense, this thing is buried fairly deep. Let’s get cracking.”  I launched myself upward, about 30 feet above the crater. From this angle, I can see the sphere also has various geometric symbols engraved upon its surface.
A slight vibration kicked up more lunar rocks. 
Based on the ripples it’s coming from the sphere. I promptly glided over to Doc, secured her firmly in my arms, and bounded away from the object. The Puzzler was on my 3’oclock. He tapped my shoulder. I halted and turn to face him. I get a sense of calm from him. He indicated crater about 2 miles behind us. The sphere was floating a few feet above the basin. An iris formed on its surface. From within a bright red glow emanated. It began to scan all 3 of us. Then a voice boomed in my mind:


One moment, the copper ball was 2 miles away and the size of a small asteroid. The next, he’s floating beside me, the size of a volleyball. I reached out and run a finger alongside. The metal was warm to the touch. That red iris blinked towards me and then landed on the crown of my head. 

((Optimum position for the mission. Hello Designate Captain Cosmos. I am Redacted Requilary Analytical Maxtrix 0187 Alpha, Codenamed Horus, assigned to research Earth and her Peoples.))

Mr. Apple materialized next to me: Remember him?
My mind lurched for a moment. Ah! The basketball from my birthday. Why I kept thinking birthday was beyond me for the moment but I remembered with vivid clarity, being in that elevator. Held by my father. While not copper at the time, recalling the white surface and the symbols, that sense of familiarity.

Cooper let out various howls and barks. The probe swirled around the German Shepherd. Sending back various holo images that even I couldn’t track properly. He then returns to his original perch atop my head.
A melody trilled from him.
The Jeopardy theme? He emitted a polite knocking noise.
 ((Captain. I detect [Redacted] within proximity. Request that we travel to these coordinates.))
I looked at the rest of my party.
“Permission to investigate target area?”
Golden Bulleteer activated his coms once more:  “Affirmative. Besides my readings are spiking. Something is happening with that Stone.”
I took a hold of Doc and the Puzzler. The gray ghost surface of the moon making each of my steps as light as air. Cooper flew next to me, looking for all the world like a typical dog enjoying a car ride, his tongue hanging out for all the Universe to see. Horus maintained his perch on my head. At one point he started playing another melody I am vastly more familiar with, Captain Cosmos and the Planetary Defenders.
((Yes Captain?))
“How long have you been in operation?”
((Manufacturer date: 119 AFC))
“Uh, how about in Terran Standard?”
((Ah! Inquiry: Accessing!))
Horus made a whirring sound. He then sounded very apologetic:
((Forgive me Captain but that information is restricted at this time. It is no fault of your own, I cannot access that part of my memory matrix, it is how you say: compartmentalized to prevent hostile entities from gaining access to privileged information.))
I gave him a reassuring pat on his framework. A shadow fell over all of us as we approached our destination. I let go of my passengers as we landed. The Bulleteer floated gently back to the surface. I could hear my father talking to him over the coms. Eddie was like a kid in a candy store. Sending his Holocam back and forth across the surface of the cosmic wonder. The towering obelisk of the Ur Stone’s bright granite stuck out in stark contrast to the near pitch darkness of the lunar landscape. It was right on the edge of the Darkside of the moon.
Mr. Apple motioned for me to approach. He seemed so small standing next to that strange monument.
The various markings started to glow with a faint indigo outline. I approached the Ur Stone. The pounding in my head became more pronounced. Voices started to echo outward, then my body seized up, lines forming in the darkness. Wrapping around me, guiding me into the stone itself. Everyone else, even Horus, started to panic. But no one can move. It’s like this thing had them in quicksand. The Ur Stone reached out to me, freezing every muscle, making me completely immobile. I continued to glide towards it until my right hand was touching the rough surface. 


The runes are ice cold. They pulsated with the rhythm of my heart. 

            Words start pouring forth. Using my voice as a messenger.

            //The Infinite endures. It calls. Interlinked. For all time. The Path is set. Footsteps that echo towards the End of Time. Bound. One to another. A Child of Two Worlds. Convergence. We await the Awakening. Life Endures. In Darkest Void, In Brightest Star, We Stand Here Evermore.//

            I could hear the Puzzler exclaiming, “What was that? It didn’t even sound like any language on record. Or even in binary.”

            More images and impressions overwhelm me. I feel like a dam about to burst wide open. One image was constant.
The stone transported all of us back to the ship.
Then it rose high into the air.
Its symbology became jumbled, realigned then in a white flash, completely disappeared. The Ur Stone remained aloft. Dormant. It’s surface no longer adorned with anything.
Golden Bulleteer hoisted me into his arms and started hooking me up to some sort of medical equipment. My vision blurred. My thoughts scattered into thousands of little pieces.
Doctor Impossible imputed a sequence into the display next to me. Pulling various stimulants from the compartments to the left of the med pod.
I can feel someone's lips on my forehead as they try to comfort me. For a second, some part of a mental voice leaked through to me, <<You said it wouldn’t hurt her. I trusted….>> She sounded disappointed.
Please don’t be angry, I thought.
Mr. Apple waved a golden disk in front of my face: The future is set. This is only the beginning. You will know who to gift this to when the time comes.
The disk warped into a delicate crown. One side was pure white, shimmering in the dark, while the other was sucking in all light, akin to a black hole. You must hide this for me. The crown sank into my chest. Like it always belonged there.
You will turn the key. In this, you must not fail Eliza Murphy.
I am no longer on the ship. My mind was pulled along a vast tether. Distantly I can feel Doc laying her hands on me, a gentle push at the back of my mind, that same voice was calling out to me. Worried beyond all measure. Mr. Apple shimmered in front of me once more.
Protect all of it.
I stared out into the naked glory of the Infinite. Numerous systems teeming with life stared back. Their voices echoing along an endless chain.
A multiverse of possibilities.
I can feel my body get heavy. Pulling my mind backward. Another set of consciousness reached out: An older man and woman. Surrounded by pale purple light. I couldn’t see their faces at all. Only a dim shadow.
Remember your promise!
That voice was deep and commanding. Just like dads. I found it oddly comforting as darkness finally took me under.
Lorain Lanis let out a sigh of relief as Star’s brainwaves returned to acceptable levels. The monitors were a steady comforting tone as her heartbeat also approached something akin to normal. That odd tick remained. Like a slight echo. As Doctor Impossible placed both her hands directly upon Star’s chest-plate, her power flowing into the other woman, she vowed to always remain ready. As a friend and healer. She had a hunch that her team would need it.
J’ino fumed silently in the corner of the medbay. She reached out to the main hub of the family line situated on Earth:
>>What did that thing do to my daughter?!<<
 Her uncle, B’karis, stationed along the Ouroborous Chain, felt it. He shuddered and prayed to the Rulers that his sister and her husband would be able to weather this storm. He shoved the thought deep inside. Knowing how prickly J’ino already felt about her daughter’s health. Even though he was an Omega Defender, he knew it wouldn’t be wise to approach with any input right now. 
Q’vera also winced. Rubbing her temples. Her sister really did have a berserk button. She felt a twinge of guilt. That wasn’t fair of her. Considering how hard the birth was. It was a miracle that J’ino and Eliza survived. Even with the wonders of Uplifted med-tech.
Even Cooper, his senses alight with the strange energies of the Stone, could see just how furious J’ino Ayeer was at that very moment. His black triangular ears folded back. Plastered against his head. He shined away from J’ino, feeling that the Puzzler would offer a refuge from the Typherian’s rage, his whines filled the compartment as Eddie took off his dynamo mask for a moment. Giving the german shepherd a gentle pat on the head. “It's ok, she will be fine! Doc’s got it all under control.” His blue eyes held her in silent regard, seeing the lines of concentration on Lorain’s face. An odd distortion was in the room with them though. A gentle tug by Cooper brought his eyesight back to the Bardaxian. 

“Right! I know. Even the Beagle told me. Only certain kinds of snooping allowed.”

The black german shepherd placed his paws on Eddie’s shoulders. He looked him dead in the eyes and stated, “This is good. Snoopy is right. Don’t bark up all trees. Some trees are scary. Especially Mother trees! Father trees can be more reasonable….sometimes!” His voice came through a special communicator situated were his collar would be on an Earth dog.

If looks could flatten small continents, J’ino’s opening barrage at Cooper would level many planets. For his part, the Bardaxian chose not to look. The better part of valor as the humans would say. He trotted over to the co-pilot’s chair and sat. Giving the Golden Bulleteer a soulful gaze. The older demi also reached out to give the dog a much-deserved chin scratch. “Don’t worry boy. We already notified Osiris actual, they are on standby when we dock.”

Horus interjected:
((Ambassador Ayeer, I took the liberty of augmenting this medical unit to Forger standards. The High Council insisted upon it. Based on these readouts…Star will likely be completely unresponsive for a while. There is a fair amount of data being assimilated into her cortex. Unfortunatly that means this vessel must be moved to A51 Uplift complex.))
J’ino closed her eyes, took a calming breath, then asked, <<Timeframe for the overall condition?>>
Horus administered a quick scan.
((Subject will be in sleep mode for a standard Terran week. I will run tests as required.))


            ///Priority Message, Typha Maxtrix Primary, K5 level Encryption///
Mother, you said the Scholar Anchor wouldn’t hurt my daughter. Why is this project of such importance to the Ascendency? Or is it related to that damnable “Throne.” Anyone of our people could command or maintain it. What makes you think this will even help? Why don’t you trust me? Haven’t I earned that much at least? It’s bad enough I still have things I’ve kept from Eliza. Because of Uplift protocols mind you. Don’t you feel the same when it comes to me? In my case, what’s stopping you?

            Ur-stone update: It's not registering on our sensors at all anymore. Even the eggheads set out to examine everything report no energy residue remains. It's dead. Or sleeping. Either way, we will cordon off the area. No one is to go near that thing unless authorized.-Moonbase Securtiy update.

I don’t remember much from that first incident with the Ur-Stone. Doc says I scared the living bejesus out of everyone though. Considering what I know now, along with my mother’s reaction, I wish there had been another way. But Scholar tech doesn’t work on a three-dimensional level. If anyone else had tried to access that thing: They’d be insane at best, dead at worst. No, that Stone was made for me and me alone. Another chain in the link of life and the cosmos. -Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

The scout ship docked with the Osiris HQ. Its sleek exterior marked with only the faintest traces of lunar dust. The Golden Bulleteer disembarked then waved General Murphy and Cmd. Lanis forward. “Based on what that Horus fellow said, Star is gonna be out cold for the next week or so.” He forestalled more excessive reactions by continuing, “There is no permanent damage. Based on what Doc said, she concurs with him.”

Doctor Impossible and the Puzzler also disembark. Both shot glances at the General. Commander Lanis gave her daughter a polite nod. Her eyes widened in surprise when the younger woman gifted her a half hug in return. 

//LL: We gotta talk later mom. This is important.//
//ML: We will. I promise.//

Thomas gave his father a pointed look then nodded. They both hurry. Their footsteps echoing off the floor plating. Fearing what might be awaiting them on the other side. The general calls out to his wife as the ramp closed behind them. He harbored a feeling of dread in his gut. He saw her further down the corridor of the ship, her helmet already retracted, the absence of an expression on her face worried him immensely. Commander Lanis cleared her throat. 

“I’ll wait in the common area.” She had taken notice of the exaggerated stillness of J’ino’s movements. Usually, most Typherians, at least the handful the Commander knew, were quite animated. So when she saw how harshly the Typherian Ambassador was keeping everything battened down, Lanis decided it would be best for her superior to take the lead. She still didn’t know why Eliza’s parents were so protective but it must have been a hell of a thing to make them fear for their kid, regardless of demi powers. Considering the past few weeks, Lanis was shocked that they didn’t home school her, but knowing Eliza that would probably drive her nuts. 


While Lanis was busy speculating, Thomas Murphy faced his wife at the opening to the medical bay, giving himself a moment to gather himself. He reached out and wrapped his arms around J’ino. At first, she stiffened then slowly started to relax. Muscle by muscle, the tension left her body as she allowed herself to process what happened on the Moon. Her head buried in her husband’s chest. All he did was hold her. 

He knew from experience that she would eventually open up. She had her pride, as did he, but at times like this, he had to be the bulwark. The solid wall that his wife could find refuge in. The Bardaxian trotted over and gave Thomas’ hand an affectionate headbutt.
He looked up at Gen. Murphy with his soulful brown eyes and stated, <<Star will be alright. My belt told me so. It says she will need this knowledge later. Much later when she has the wisdom to handle it.>>

He gave the Bardaxian a gentle pat on the head. Making sure to pay extra attention to the ears. “Is that so?” He eyed the room beyond with some speculation. How many times would his daughter live up to her Typherian name: Against All Odds

Most times Thomas didn’t like to speculate about those scenarios mainly because, for all those abilities, that was still his little girl. The material of life that even the most advanced Typherian scientists couldn’t explain. While they looked similar to humans, externally, the inner workings were a bit different. Genetically speaking Eliza shouldn’t have been possible. So many wonders to still discover. Not even the oldest races had seen everything. It gave him a sense of comfort to know that for all the differences in tech and experience, we were all in the same boat. So to speak.

J’ino gave a short bark of laughter. It was edged with a hint of unshed tears but he felt a quick burst of satisfaction that even in these circumstances he could galvanize his wife out of her darker moods. Heaven knew he had to think enough along those lines for them both. She glanced up at him. Her face filled with a familiar expression: amusement with a hint of fire he found irresistible. 

If anyone had to put a picture to their relationship it would be as if the sun and moon were constantly circling. He was often stoic, with most of his emotions submerged under the waters of a tranquil river, but he had the gravitational pull of the moon. That lunar body didn’t need to be flashy. It was constant. Most wouldn’t realize until much later that General Murphy didn’t use spit and fire to galvanize his troops. He would home in on you. Figure out what made you tick. Then use that to reforge a person into something better. 

His wife, on the other hand, was as fiery and boisterous as the sun. For her, ironically, diplomacy was the hardest role she had ever taken. For J’ino, she lived in a state of constant activity. She often didn’t want to wait if she could help it. So the process of Uplift, she understood it on an intellectual level but felt it was far too ponderous. His wife had boundless enthusiasm for a myriad of things. For him. To the point that he found it somewhat exhausting but if he had a choice, he wouldn’t change it for the entire world. J’ino was the best thing to ever happen to him. 

The moon was satisfied to follow the bright trail left by the sun. For its part, the sun relished the cool refreshing seas offered by the moon. Together they forged a vital piece to life. Each an opposing side of the same coin.
Eliza and everything else since then only made him more determined to see Earth succeed. That way his daughter could grow up in a more stable place. In the end, all parents like him wanted one simple wish: the best for their kids.
 In this regard, Typherians felt the same.
J’ino cupped Thomas’s face and kissed him with an intensity that left him breathless. He picked her up, bridal style while stating, “Better now?” She nodded. She settled into his arms, relishing the feeling of support contained therein. Then her voice hit him, all at once most earnest but collected:
<<Thomas, dear heart, you have no idea how glad I am to have you here. I need that logical battleplan readiness. Where’s the commander? I might need her linguistics and medical expertise soon. That and maybe she can help me figure out what the Ur Stone did with Eliza. It sent a ton of data into her cortex but I don’t know if that’s affected other parts of her brain or nervous system.>> 

Thomas walked into the med bay. His daughter was currently hooked up to one of the stations. The monitor above the pod gave off a solid signal of strong vitals. The consistent pings of her heart were especially reassuring.  “I’m no expert”, he stated, “but does she have brainwave patterns?” 

J’ino noded then replied, “She’s stable in every way that matters. According to Cooper and Horus, -she indicated the copper-toned F.R.A.M hovering nearby-“the biggest thing to monitor right now is the 2nd set of brain waves. It’s subtle but present. Along with being much more complex. It’s why our girl is going to be out of commission for the next week.”
She gave him a moment to process this. Thomas thought about the problem for a moment. What could they devise to cover for her absence at school? J’ino, for her part, kissed her husband on the cheek. Then she disentangles herself from his embrace. Taking a seat by the pod.
The General poked his head outside the med bay. “Commander! Situation Mostly Normal. Could you come in here for a moment?”
Lanis entered the med bay and walked over to the pod containing Star. She remarked, “You’d think with all the wonders of modern technology we’d figure out better ways to safeguard against magic or ancient floating rocks. Maybe I can convince the Amazing Grace to give the kid a different callsign. In any event, why am I here?”

Thomas indicated the monitors above the pod. Lanis followed it then froze in surprise. She re-examined the charts and 3-d images just to be sure then blurted out, “Both those wave sets are Eliza’s. One is how we know her and the other, filled to the brim with actions and memories she hasn’t done yet.”

<<Right on the money Commander. Sometimes to get around one’s opponents, you have to pre-load certain things into the playbook. Just don’t tell my younger self a darned thing. Don’t want to Mcfly myself into a paradox. Besides, the Legion and the Forgers do have rules about what I am doing right now. Along with those Darned Apples.>>
This version of Eliza sounded much older. But just as enthusiastic. J’ino reached out and touched the other set of thoughts. What she found there gave her a boost of hope for the future. Within the reality of her daughter’s mind, the older version was wearing military-style garb but she couldn’t make out any details. Eliza just grinned and waved a finger at her mother in admonishment. Feeling impulsive, J’ino looked for a certain item on Eliza’s right wrist.
It was there, reflecting a soothing blue color, while the outer edges were engraved with something that made J’ino’s bruised heart sing. It was engraved with T’argem. All this will be worth it. It would appear she had her apologies to make. There was nothing on her daughter’s head either. No trace of it.
<<Come on mom! You know I can’t let the cat out of the bag. Well, not the Threat One anyway. It looks like you found the smaller cat though. Heh, because you love to meddle. The supernova sized one has to stay hidden. Besides life is an adventure. Just like Forrest Gump said. With the box of chocolates. Yes, I still watch a metric ton of old ass movies.>>
Thomas glared at his daughter for a moment then stated: “Jar.”
In return, on the table next to the med pod, a pile of diamonds deposited themselves neatly. Eliza’s mind voice was filled with barely contained glee. J’ino felt herself grinning from ear to ear.
<<With how my team will conduct itself, not Cooper or Horus mind you, this will be a downpayment to the Jar o’ Cursing. Besides, eventually, that will come in handy. Trust me. Plus this will help cover other expenditures in the coming years. Side note, I used basic pressure techniques to make them. Please don’t ground young me.>>

J’ino got the sense her daughter was having a bit of gentle teasing but a very serious message was underneath it all. Meanwhile, Thomas and Cmd. Mary Herbert-Lanis look on with bated breath. Eliza continued:

<<Horus, you are going to have to impersonate me at school for the next week and I am going to give you a script to follow. Don’t deviate from it. That’s the most important thing. No matter what. No deviations. I can’t tell you why but you must do this. Ready for your mission?>>

((Yes Captain! Ah, I see, from your current mind image, yes. This will be done to the perfection of mayhem required. May I send the results to the Queen Consort of the Ascendancy and the Forger High Council?))

<<Indeed, adding additional temporal encryption, and have Grandma tell Grandpa “I4 to G Sub Niner.” I still have some tricks. The crafty wolf that he is.>>

((Ah! A reply, your Grandsire indicates, “Huff and Puff, there goes your house of cards little one.” Your Grandmother agrees. She also requests a meeting. The earth word Incognito comes to mind. ))

J’ino interrupted, “Right, I'll get the paperwork started. When you get here, I really would like to speak to you before I introduce you…well to current year Eliza. Time Projection. I hated that subject in my courses. Along with 4D chess. By the Rulers, my father is going to make you into a proper chess player isn’t he?” She walked over to her daughter’s med chamber and gave her wayward child another kiss on the forehead. 

“You are nothing but trouble. Giant overeager trouble.” Maternal Exasperation. 

She perceived her daughter's response: a mental thumbs up. Along with the image of a flying brick. It’s cape looked suspiciously familiar. J’ino just facepalmed. “If I didn’t see that item on your wrist…I’d wonder how you’d even achieve…That’s it, I'll have to have recorded evidence. Horus, at some point you will help me make the record.”

Eliza returned her attention to Horus. <<Here are the blueprints my friend. Live long and disaster.>>

Thomas Murphy just started to rub his temple. “Daughter, even I am not that cornball. Texan status notwithstanding.”

<<Dad, I have a license for Grade A Dork. If you think I’m bad wait ‘til you meet your inlaws.>>

Horus started to morph, slowly giving himself the form of Eliza Murphy, he turned his head and gave everyone a polite bow, “Testing, matching vocal apparatus to Ayeer Scion speech patterns. Stand by.” After about 30 mins he managed to mimic her patterns well enough that even her parents were satisfied. Lanis interjected, “ Biggest things to remember: Eager, Honest, Down to Earth, Good old Country Girl in the City vibe.”

Horus turns to analyze the various emotional stimuli in the room. While augmenting his disguise even further. 

With her expert eye, Lanis also tousled the stand in’s hair. “Murphy always looks like she is getting in from a tornado, keep her hair like this, no questions asked. If its any other way, other students would start to wonder if she’s sick.”
The Murphys shared a look of bemusement.
The Commander arched her brows, “What? Your daughter is a walking fashion disaster. Always with t-shirts, jeans, and that flight jacket. If she starts doing anything else people will assume she got her brain abducted. Or that she’s dating some mysterious stranger.” 

She continued, “Also, for all her awkwardness, your daughter has a charm about her. Not everyone adores her of course, but those who matter, they see how hard she works. True friends will stick by her. So that’s an aspect that’s easy to love.”

Lanis held her ground. Even going as far as to add: 

Ticking off each point with her finger, “Meanwhile I have to storm the final frontier of Captain Cosmos and the Infinite Brigade to reach my daughter’s walls.”
“I love Lorain. But our relationship has a different standard, one: She’s willful and disobedient. Especially if she thinks she’s in the right. Two: She’s stubborn. Won’t admit to vulnerability. Three: She has a keen secret fondness for old-style romance pulps. Four: She’s 17 and thinks she can fix everything. Five: For a person with a Ph.D., my people skills suck. So I read my kid’s diary. The only way I can get away with that is because Lorain assumes I only care about my job and nothing else.”
The bitter anguish within that last statement was plain to see. The very set of her shoulders revealed a weakness she rarely allowed others to observe: Loneliness. J’ino walked over to the commander then embraced her.
“Thomas, when this week is over, I am going to have a nice day out with Mary here. Just the two of us. I have a hunch that a mother conspiracy will need to happen. Better prepare that Murphy Man Cave of yours. I’ll even get that whiskey you love.” General Murphy just nodded. This day was certainly different. Horus turned back to Star. Sending out one more message: 

((Captain, will you allow me to record the event called The Prom, the corgi you mentioned, will he cause that much chaos for certain parties?))

At first, nothing happened, then they heard one last reply before the temporal wavelength receded into its proper era, <<Oh yeah. You have all the clearance in the Multiverse to record that. I almost wish I could stay here and experience it again.>> The tone suggested that said event would be remembered quite fondly. 

Cooper, who had been mostly silent this entire time, finally barked out, <<I will help Eliza with finding the cake.  Can I taste it too?>> His tail thudded repeatedly on the deck. His black ears were perked forward then started flicking periodically. Horus analyzed the battle plan for the school operations. Cooper would indeed feature in it. He crouched down and looked the Bardaxian right in the eyes then: “Indeed! Operation Mcfly is a go. You are going to be, as they say, my co-star. I am still unsure of some Earth customs but the Captain gave me enough in that data packet to make the operation a resounding success.”

Everyone just looked at each other for a moment. Thomas decided when they all got back home, he’d dial his parents, just in case this whole thing went south. His wife just looked at him and winked. 

Just another day. Right. 

Eliza Odessen glanced at the J’kua maintain the connection to the Ur-Stone. “Was that a good enough performance to put the Murphy’s at ease?” Its eyes were half closed; its slit of a mouth opened, “Indeed! We thank you for your assistance. Please inform the United Earth Front of our gratitude!”

Odessen hoped when the time came that her mulitverse counterpart would forgive her.

Unlike her parents, much more hung on that Eliza than most realized, the UEF would not fail to protect its neighbors. The J’kua had much to answer for. Chronos wasn’t the only horror in the closet. Odessen paged her father, >>It’s done. <<



  1. So we got Time Travel now.

    *Terminator theme intensifies*

  2. And it has certain aspects. XD Which will go into even more depth later.
