Tuesday, July 7, 2020

They Want to Destroy the Past

No matter the medium. Many followers of Woke are like these people.

X only existed in CURRENT YEAR!

Cause they want to be considered the first for everything. Woke is centered around the idea that they are the apex of whatever is happening. No one ever did anything before them. What non-sense.

Even other feminist crazies are pointing out this BS. Along with normal book type people. Wanted to list responses here so when this person eventually cans their highlights on Twitter, the outcome is still recorded on the blog somewhere.

I don't give a shit about trans crap and all the other aspects. Just the fact that so many nowadays are willingly ignorant of what came before. Schools really don't each any basics anything anymore.

Even I had my own mini rant. Ill put some links from everywhere at the end. Why have 1997 as the start point. People have been telling tales since the beginning. Orally then with words and finally on computer screens.

Woke Parties want this history erased. So they can claim X Y OR Z voice was the "first." Don't let them erase History. In any medium or place.

Interesting Links:

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