Monday, August 17, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: B1 MFE Issue 2

Issue 2: The Light of Emris

Interlinking with At’lan Mainframe. Discovery Imminent. Please advise?—Emris Actual.

“I want the Jupiter Rising to check this out immediately. Whatever else they had planned must be put on hold. This discovery is our top priority. After discovery, delete all databases and hard copies. In this I want us to go very mundane. Not even the human advisory board of A51 knows what’s happening. I rather keep it that way.—From the Desk of the US President.

When I first stepped aboard the Emris I knew the wool couldn’t be kept up much longer. The Lady herself intervened and I formed a compact that day. One that didn’t require my brain to be scrambled. Fancy that. For once, I was allowed to know what Arthon was truly made of. And he saw what I could bring to the table. The language on that ship was hauntingly familiar to my soul.—Sleeping in Starlight, a memoir of the 22nd century.

The Jupiter Rising
Oort Cloud
October 12th, 2103

My voice rang out, “Approaching target! Stand by for maneuvers. Jupiter!”

The ship came online with lightning-fast responses, <<Yes captain?>>

I was grinning ear to ear. “Let’s bring this lovely into the main docking bay. From the looks of the scanners, we could hold 5 more like her. Run all standard Hazard scans. Don’t want anyone getting space flu.” It had taken a few days to get out here. Mainly because the President insisted we do this as quietly as possible. So no mini jumps on official channels. Unlike everyone else at their normal stations, Mr. Apple took up residence on the foyer above the captain’s chair. It doubled as a sensor suite and logistics meeting area. No one else batted an eye of course. He rarely went out of his way to project himself to the wider universe.

            Arthon pressed the chair release.

            The layout of the Jupiter was pretty straightforward. Sleek and built like a World-class Racing vessel, with the electronics and weapon suite of a warship. A colossal bird among her contemporaries. He brought up the mapping.

Six decks.

Command, Crew Deck, Medical, Research, Engineering, and finally Cargo/Docking.

The grav lift took him to his destination promptly.

Cosmic fire twinkled in the dark. Broken by the inert ship currently being pulled in by magnetic tethers and grav hooks. His mouth was agape. Those markers, etched on the tan hull were Markav in origin. An even more ancient dialect then he was familiar with. A figure shimmered into existence next to him. Her green within green eyes holding him in place. “We must talk.” Lady Sul’sandra was resolute. His eyes locked onto hers. He had never seen her real form before. He nodded. His fingers were numb. Ritark chittered with amazement. <<The Last Admiral!>> Her gaze turned to the Litari, half-formed above Arthon’s head, his golden eyes as wide as saucers. He keened with joyous welcome. Her face was alien yet familiar to those of Earth.

Easter Island.

The muthra shook his head once more. No wonder she stayed cloaked. His head snapped around as Eliza somersaulted over the railing, landing right in front of the Lady. Her face was a mix of amazement and excitement. After a moment, rapid-fire words, “Please don’t scramble my eggs some more. I’m swiss enough as it is.”

            I couldn’t keep my eyes off of everything. The ship. The woman. Who was certainly familiar and alien all in one package. “So are you Arthon’s head boss?” She grinned.

“I have a proposition for you, Captain.”

I floated around everyone. Doc also didn’t look taken aback. The only other person that seemed as quizzical as I was: General Whitehouse. I filed that away for later. “What can I do for you?” Her brown arms indicated the docked starship. She was clothed in a simple white cloak and silver garments underneath. “For starters, can you read what is on the side? Right near the very nose of the vessel?” I zipped around. Taking in the semi crescent shape. I ran my palms along the pitted surface. It must have been in low power mode for a very long time. The small oval at the heart of the crescent indicated the cockpit or piloting area. Alongside was the information she had requested. I spoke audibly, “The Light of Emris. Commissioned by the High Orator of the Hegemony. AFC: 89. May the Grace of the High Wall Endure.”

Even Arthon looked pleased.

I prodded further, “So if my brain isn’t gonna get spaced this time, why now? Why you? Isn't this against the whole Uplift procedure?” The Lady bowed her head with shame and rage. “That council’s work is sullied now. We must gain more allies. While appearing oblivious. I have asked certain individuals to start spreading rumors about your Demi heritage.”

My breath hitched. She walked over and clasped my hands in hers.

“Uplifted Area 51 knows your civilian identity as a Murphy alongside your Banner activities but beyond that, they have no idea who your mother actually is. They believe her to be just human. Maybe with something interesting attached.”

My heart settled in my chest at that.

I knew mom had quite the job but that would explain why she hardly talked about her side of the family. They were protecting me.


Everyone from harm.

If the corruption was that deep, I’d want to do something about it. Sul’sandra gave my arm a tender squeeze. Like the universe’s most grandiose grandma in existence. She gave me a moment to collect myself then continued.

“With how many times you escape the boundaries of Terran Space, this part had to come out. To give voice to the idea that you have Atlantian heritage through your maternal line. It will be the perfect cover of why I have Arthon assigned to a…how do you say….K2 Civilization Ship?”

I cleared my throat, “Yea, right now Earth is K2. If it wasn’t for all the cloak and dagger against Unity, we’d probably be Bardaxian level by now.”

Her eyes dimmed at the mention of the Keeper idol. But she rallied, “Bardax is only 100 or so years ahead of humanity. They are in the Uplifted community because of the number of Defender belts that materialize within their population.”

Cooper nudged me with his cold wet nose. <<YES! We are very helpful. Will assist Earth, so we can import more bacon too!>>

Mother cut in via my ivory ring.

>>Go with this space cadet. I'll be able to share quite a bit more with you if we can fool them into thinking you are a lost line of At’lan. Besides according to a certain dapper friend, he’s already taught you many “dead” languages.<<

            So many things clicked into place. Along with my younger brother’s resentments about not being able to share what was probably commonplace among mom’s people. Another thought shot through me. I peered down at the woman before me. “You don’t know what’s inside here either do you?” Arthon made a noise between a cough and a rather flamboyant curse. Sul’sandra pressed her hands to my face, making sure to cup my left cheek and chin firmly.

“No young one. I never got to set foot upon that ship. It was old even in my great grandsire’s time.”

Her face was hard as stone. Each word clipped.

“We Markav, by the time of the Burning, could live to see 1000 cycles.”

 I winced internally. Even though she spoke of that event as something that happened long ago, the fire in her eyes belied the pain simmering right under the fingers gripping my face. The sheer level of loneliness and sorrow hit me with the force of a sledgehammer. I didn’t care if she was the equivalent of a king or queen of the Markavs. Her feet left the deck as I picked her up in a rather vigorous bear hug. Making sure not to squeeze too much. A name surfaced. Resounding within my skull from the place that the Ur Stone dwelled. My lips moved of their own accord, “Thanks to Highmaker, you are not alone Sister. I walk with you now. Even as a ghost.” Her green within green eyes filled with tears. “How?” Taleer used my head for a moment to smile, “Highmaker needed a military mind to help safeguard the Home and Hearth. As it is.”

Whitehouse took this all in, producing a flask from somewhere, drinking a round or two. He kept staring at me, “So how is it a ghost of a Markav is using a Human as a holo com of sorts?” I found I could speak on my own once more, “Well General. Do you know that Ur Stone? It downloaded a whole ton of things into my brain that I have yet to understand.” Taleer responded, using Jupiter’s internal systems, “Forgive me, Captain. I just wanted to be able to hug my family once more. The moment got the better of me.”

“In a way, I can understand that. Hug away Mr. Taleer.”

That line came unbidden from a deep part of my mind. It was my thoughts, right?

While he spent the next 20 or so minutes in deep conversation with his sister. I asked Jupiter to put a sound barrier up so I couldn’t figure out what they were saying. While this was slightly uncomfortable because he was still using my arms to gesture and pick up his sister’s spirits, I re-focused on the ship sitting in our docking bay. Doc came over and patted me on the shoulder. “Well, at least now I can divulge some more information. I don’t even care if we have to fake it to 11 with the lost Markav/Atlantian bloodline card. The Uplift Protocol is fucked. Especially with the Keeper influenced drones that don’t have a clue they are busted.”

I replied, “At least they aren’t all like Agent Brookes.” Doc’s green eyes narrowed to slits.

“You are far too polite Cornfed.”

She said this but I got the oddest sensation she was considering something else to say. Mom’s mental voice barreled in, >>Finally. Well now that I can treat you like a newly found K4 society member, you may want to be sitting on something solid, Taleer! I need her for a moment!<<

Images and memories flashed in quick succession.

Starting from my first official visit to A51, meeting Ritark, everything, and all oddities. All the memories flowed into one nicely packed picture. I found myself spinning, in slow circles, my legs crossed. Mr. Apple had the most remorse-ridden face known to all the multiverse. I just kept spinning. Drinking all the information in. Everyone was staring. At one point Mother decloaked fully. In her Space Lady armor of old.

His tone was anxious.

It was the only way we could hide you. The only way. Please don’t say anything. Chronos must still believe you crippled. Must believe the power of the White Defender will never manifest in this universe. Yours is the Prime Universe. The Cradle of all that is. All that will be. All that was. A rebirth.

The Ur Stone’s memories flowed outward as well.

That was the reason why mental intrusions couldn’t happen to me. That darn stone was a part of the multiverse. Existing here and in the Weave at the same time. Across everything and even I couldn’t understand it all yet. I had the absolute feeling it was still cloaking memories and events from me.

Maybe I never would.

Cooper sat in my lap at one point. Whitehouse even handed me his flask. I grinned weakly, “Still here sir. Just processing all the holes. Hey, chocolate cake.” Ritark emerged from Arthon for a moment, trilling with joy, <<Hello Captain! Heart’s Friend!>>

The thoughts that were my own yet not. In my mindscape, I could see most of the events that happened beyond the barrier of “Terran Space.”  I must have looked peaked because Mom took a few cautious steps forward. Her helmet still firmly in place. A spike of anger and sympathy ran off Lorain as well. She snarled, “Oh wait! Shit, since your mom is one of the races within the Council of Five, she still can’t show herself without sending a flare to the fuckups.” I saw mom flinch at that. I straightened. Grabbed Doc and Mom in a half hug. “That’s ok. Cause we really don’t want them to know.”

I pictured Y’lansa’s stern visage.

“Tea Lady would have my head.”

Mom’s mental walls shot up. She directed a question at me, “What could you do to get on her bad side?”

I gulped, “Well not so much her bad side. More like, YOU DID WHAT! HOW!?”

I blinked as my eyes felt like they would fall out of my head.

Doc ran her hands over my face. The whole place was blurry for a moment then she gasped softly. Mom cupped my chin. While the Lady eyed me with some shock. I held up a compact to my face. My eyes were no longer standard demi powers activate. Instead of a steady glow of cosmic fire, they were green within green. Mr. Apple nodded with satisfaction.

This will sell the idea even more. Even the Keepers were wondering what the Markav were prepping Earth for in those ancient times.

Mom sent an inquiry about it.

“The Dapper One is wholeheartedly on board with the Atlantis idea.”

Sul’sandra let out a bellow of laughter. Which edged on hysteria.

I shrugged. “Well now that my fake K4 ID is set. Let’s get to work exploring!”

My back twitched. Mom’s eyes were laser-focused. >>You didn’t really answer my inquiry young lady.<<

I turned, put a hand on each of her shoulders, “I promised her I wouldn’t say for now. Not only her but others as well. Please mom, just let that question remain unanswered for a while.”
She nodded begrudging. >>Ill let the matter rest for now.<< Her whole mind whirled with amusement, >>In fact, I should be more understanding given the circumstances.<<

The Light of Emris
Main Entry Way
October 12th, 2103

            Sul’sandra sent a private message to J’ino:

            //How long has a Scholar been in her shadow?//
            The Typherian didn’t reply for a good long minute. Considering the Lady’s age,  the younger woman was quite surprised by how blunt she was being now. Guess all the cloak and dagger actions were getting to the others as well. The drive to understand was also in play.

            //If I had to guess. Since she learned to walk.//

            The Admiral kept quiet for dozens of heartbeats.

            //I believe your daughter to be the Slumbering One in our prophecies. Closely tied to the Twin Rulers.//

            J’ino blanched. Eliza and Arthon were facing an antique hatchway. Taking their time to examine the symbols written on the walls and surrounding terminals. She thought about the Lady’s words. In the end, it must be true. So much had happened. She just feared that her daughter’s future would hold an endless mantle. Forever in service. Would people even appreciate that? It's not like many gave her father the time of day. “Oh yes! Be a good Ayeer and maintain that Scholar device for us!”

            Eliza turned, “Ok! Looks like we are in business!”

She held up a hand for a moment. “So how is this cover gonna work? Don’t some know who dad is to you? How I fit into it overall?” J’ino nodded.

            J’ino replied, “Yes. My parents. Y’lansa. Two within the Council of Five. Certain extended family members. But its highly encrypted. Of the Council races, only Ritark’s mother, the Forger Ambassador to Area  51, along with Arthon, Sul, Nuul, and our Bardiaxian security team.” Eliza nodded after a moment. Consulting something next to her. J’ino assumed it was Mr. Apple. Her daughter added, “So gran gran and pop-pop? Are they on the know list?”

            “Not as of yet space cadet. When things come out about your Atlantian heritage we need them to react with genuine shock. To sell the story further. It will let them build a narrative around my unusual abilities.”

            I knew it was for the best but a part of me balked at the idea. Those were my grandparents. Mr. Apple tapped me on the leg with his cane. This will protect them. The enemy won't be as concerned if your mother happens to be some lost strain of Markav experimentation.

            My head was filled with far too many questions. I rounded them up and put them in a trunk for now. We had a ship to explore. The access way opened. The air was neutral. No hint of trace scents or otherwise. Interesting. Even to my super-enhanced sense. “Looks like this place is very well preserved. No decay or recycled air.” A loud angry trilling echoed from the open spherical entryway.


            My mind was nearly auto-translating the commands uttered by the Emris.

I spoke to everyone else, “Halt!” The Lady nudged me, “Tell it we come in peace. Like those holovids you love so much.” Cooper wiggled up next to me. His head rested on his paws. <<I promise not to eat any foreign bacon. On my best manners I will be!>> I peered upwards. Trying to find the voice of the ship. Three bronze spheres the size of golf balls floated toward us. Then halted. Four feet or so beyond the doorway. A hum reverberated throughout:

*What is your intention? The creators forsake trespass.*

“We seek permission to enter this vessel. My crew and companions.” A filmy white light encased all of us. It eventually proclaimed in standard English, “What are these other races Builder?” Its vocal tones were harsh but otherwise not to dad’s level of the military bellow.

Mr. Apple hit me in the midsection with his cane. I was the builder?!

His blue eyes twinkled with good humor.

No, I am.

            I rattled off everyone’s name and official designations. As I knew them. Mother’s amusement level peaked when I got to her. “That’s my mom. She kinda built me. Along with dad, who’s Human.” The Emris processed all this. “Level 1 access confirmed. State Scholar designation for specialized clearance to other parts of the research preservation facility.”
            Sul’sandra’s eyes nearly bugged out of her head. “Emris, just how old are you?”
            It trilled, the 3 bronze balls frozen in thought, “This unit was designated by the Unification Board in Life Cycle Matrix, Cradle. Further information for the White level only.”

            Mr. Apple mouthed one word: Di’axi.

            I sent that out through a frequency he gave me. A flood of diagrams and other coding hit my brain. A ship of dreams indeed. We entered the main hub. Chairs and other seating arrangements emerged from the walls. After being seated the Emris sent out another sphere, this one showcasing a rather curious event. Even the Lady sat up straighter.

            “The scholars were not the first. They were a sister race to those known now as Markav and Litari. Their society encompassed all of creation. Until the First Betrayal by the Entity known as Calamity. It recruited the Keepers.”

The scenery around us changed. Everything was plunged into darkness. A blanket of stars exploded outward. Universes and Galaxies even older than this one twinkled in the expanse.

Eddie gave a low whistle, “Anyone else going to require a drink after this?”

Doc clung to my left arm like it was a liferaft.

Mom gripped my right arm even harder.

Cooper and Horus were stock still, trying to record everything through sight and smell in the Bardaxian’s case.

Arthon and Sul’sandra were awestruck.

Whitehouse was taking another swig of his favorite beverage. “Well shit. Isn't this one hell of a vid. Or would that be record or simulation?”

Before us was a temple.

A Litari Dreamweaver spoke.

Temple Seed Matrix
Planet Olarum
Date Redacted

                “Scholar-Builder. We require a vessel. Our dreams lead us to dark places. The Calamity will take everything if we do not act.”

            The other two, a Scholar of Olam and a Markav, slightly shorter than myself shook their heads with worry. The scholar replied gravely, “It will be done. Load as many of our datalinks and general population into the Nulls ships as can be provided. The future will need our scientists, warriors, and builders alike.”

            His white and black trimmed robes fluttered in the breeze. Two ghostly white eyes shimmered within the hood. The Markav had ancient power armor on. Black and gold. His green within green eyes blazed with fury.

As they spoke the Emris interjected, “The Litari wielding our military might across the stars. The Scholars were our researchers and scientists while the Markav were the lifeblood and builders.”

Mom muttered, “There’s always a bigger fish. But it looks like this Calamity destroyed the multiverse once before. The scars are there if you know where to look.” Doc was glued to my side now, nearly sitting in my lap. Her eyes were wide and blank. I patted her cheek for a moment. Lorain twitched in response then buried her head in my chest. “I think I’m gonna be sick.” Mom pulled out some sort of tab and stuck it to Lorain’s temple. Her voice, even via the helmet, sounded concerned. “Space Cadet, I think something is tapping into her healing factor.”

            Emris responded, “Indeed, that one has a very curious set of abilities. I am adding nanites to her system to facilitate added protective measures.” I picked Lorain up and tried to make her more comfortable. “Emris, a bit of a warning would be appreciated in the future.” The AI thought about this. I could feel it communicating with others. More AIs contained within its hidden core.

            “Apologies, I have not had guests for a very long time. She is special to you. Crew. Important to protect the White.”

            The scene resumed:

            Dreamweaver continued, “We must create a barrier between galaxies. The universes. The Ouro is not enough.”
            Scholar raised his arms with a benediction, “My brothers and I have found a way to provide more protection. A weave between worlds. But it will come with a price. Many of us must abandon our physical bodies to make this so.”

            Markav grunted, “This will not be a pretty task. Secure as many of our temples as possible. We must protect the next Seed Cradle. Make it harder for the Calamity and the Void Walkers to breach it. So others may inherit the future.”

            Everything shifted. Various workers and machines buzzing over the outer shell of the half-completed Emris. Another Scholar walked up to it. He muttered, “This is the best we can hope for. Our dreams go with the next cycle.” He pulled his hood back. His hair was dark as space. Eyes with a keen blue shimmer. Various traces of tattoos adorned his arms and half-exposed chest.

J’ino examined the face. Seeing the familiar lines. She turned to Mr. Apple. He was projecting himself to all in the room now. Whitehouse grunted, “So how many ancient builders am I gonna meet today huh?” For the first time in a very long while, he spoke. His voice filled with pride mixed with sadness or longing for those long gone. “We sailed across the wide expanse of the Multiverse. Finding worlds holding life. Each step leading us closer to understanding everything. Or so we thought. Then came the Void Walkers. Dreaded Keepers of Unity. The hands of Calamity itself.” Eliza found herself comparing the record to the one before her now. The lines of weariness around his eyes were in stark contrast to the more youthful display in the recording. Softly she asked, “What are the tattoos for?”

To command the Infinite.

Eddie’s head whipped around. “HOLY SHIT!” He didn’t care if he had to place another 1000 bucks into that Jar of General Murphy’s. This day was just getting more wild by the minute. He counted it off:

1. Super Secrete Advanced Races
2.His Captain was a Key to Many Doors.
3.Half American Half Whatever the Hell Mrs. Murphy was. With a dash of Scholar stuff.

Then he grinned like a man who had found his new favorite hobby. He would get to help her unlock it all. Fantastic! For his part, General Whitehouse glanced at his Chrono display. Mondays, he thought dryly. He didn’t mean to but the eerie white light on display drew his eyes to Murphy. Everyone gawked at her back. Lorain raised her head groggily. “I do good work. Leave her back alo-“ A faint vibration caught her attention. It was coming from Eliza. Within a sector she was very familiar with. She gripped Eliza’s shoulders and peered over, her eyes locked on the glowing white light bleeding through her captain’s favorite flight jacket. “Ok, who messed with my patient?!” Every sigil was etched along each column along her spine. Lorain’s nano HUD flared. Making her nauseous. She gulped rapidly then realized that Captain Murphy was floating. With her as a passenger. Her face went an interesting mix of red.


I glanced down at Doc. She was a regular kaleidoscope of colors on my empathy radar. It had taken a while but I finally parsed out what orange meant. A deep repressed feeling buried long inside me bubbled to the surface. One thing at a time it seemed to say. Thousands of thoughts and scenarios went through my mind in an instant. I settled on something that would distract us both, “The Emris hit you with a soup of highly advanced nanites. But its playing havoc with your equilibrium. This very advanced vessel is very impressed by your healing abilities.”

She blinked. Her face going back to its normal shade.

A child appeared alongside the opposing doorway.  Wearing a simple white tunic and trousers. His very lean Markav face filled with curiosity. His voice was light and laced with caution, “Em-Seed Cradle, am I to join the White now?” Sul’sandra faced the juvenile boy. Her face lit up with immense elation. His thin fingers gripped the small grow rod at his hip. He was putting on a very brave face but it was obvious to me that he was terrified to leave this ship. I called out, “Hey there little one. What’s your name?” He took one step forward. Hand still on the rod. “Pod 12-A, Creche 1021.”

Arthon caught the Lady as she suddenly got weak in the knees. “There are more of you?” The pleading in her voice shocked the boy. He glanced at the bronze orbs whirling around the room. “Em says you don’t have clearance. I am to go with you.” I got a bit more though. The Emris gave me access to one of its orbs. <<Take this one. The boy gestated during one of my brief power outages. He was not meant for this moment. But I cannot keep him here. Give him a home.>>

Accidental birth?

I went through the records.

This was how they preserved most of their civilian population.

There were adults in stasis here but it was far easier to house billions of embryos.


Names and faces flashed across my vision. A near endless list of planets too. Races long thought dead. A lifeboat to carry them to the future. One free of Calamity. More hidden places. Mr. Apple placed a hand on my temple. The information faded.

Not yet. One small step.

I glanced at Sul’Sandra. “Looks like he needs a family.”

General Whitehouse was quiet for a long while. A wet glint in his eye as well.

I purposefully ignored it. A sudden thought came unbidden.

“How about we call him Emry.”

Mom patted me on the shoulder. “That sounds lovely.” Her fingers were trembling. I squeezed them.  

I went over to what looked like a crafting station. Another image formed in my head. I set the parameters. Walked over to the child, “Here. This way a piece of the Emris goes with you.” I had fashioned it in the shape of a Hawk. Bronzed and crisscrossed with the same tan color of the ship’s hull. His childish face broke out in a bright grin. “Can I name him?”

I nodded.

Murphy Household
Camp Osiris
October 20th, 2103

            I finished off the steak.

Grandpa was always eating.

We both were like furnaces in a constant state of flux. Bottomless pits. 

So that made it vital that he knew how to cook with the best of them. Zach raced over to me, moving lighting quick, almost to Golden Bulleteer levels. “Look sis! Bet you can’t catch me!” We zoomed around the whole house. Once he got older he’d be quite the speedster. We had taken some extra time to come back to civilization. Sul’sandra had fashioned a cover for Emry. Asian features. Made to resemble the Lady’s human cover. While curious he mostly hung around the bronze orb patrolling the Jupiter. The Light of Emris was cloaked in the docking bay. Made to look like a common scout vessel of Earth manufacture. The maintenance orb would serve as its eyes and ears. Which suited me just fine. Jupiter herself was quick to pick up on our new guest.

Cooper managed to coax some giggles from Emry by chasing his tail. A trick he picked up from his Earthbound cousins. While most of my memories of “shielded” events were mostly normal, I still couldn’t picture some faces, probably due to protecting identities. From what Mr. Apple said, it was the Ur Stone transplant that did this. If I couldn’t see clearly, the enemy wouldn’t be able to either. At least I knew more than ever now. Dad’s cover with J’dax was pretty simple yet elegant. Earth's military counterpart.

Uplift was supposed to work like this: Contact prespective race or planet. See if they valued life and general goodwill of sentience, have a testing phase then let them into the greater cosmic community. Earth, on the other hand, was at an impasse because of Keeper Interference and the rot at the heart of Uplift.

Mom’s faction, along with a few others were trying to ferret out the problem. Now I could properly help. I grinned as Zachary and I made a pitstop by mom and dad. Everyone was in the back yard with the grillmaster. Dad had two burgers in each hand. Daring his father to an eating contest. My whole crew was here. Along with 5 Blue Defender Bardaxians. They wanted to try bacon with the burgers. After a while, a sharp shrill alert went out across my Legion of Tomorrow coms.


J’ino smiled as the whole yard emptied. Even her husband donned his Judgement gear. Zach kicked the dirt, “I wanna go!” He counted his fingers. “I’m 8 already! And fast!” He zipped around. Coming to a stop with a small burst of air. J’ino cupped his chin. “Soon enough. I feel better if you are with me. An ambassador needs her protectors.” She said this with an air of seriousness. In truth, she wanted her son near at hand because, at her core, she feared losing another child. So it was more for her comfort. He had elements of both grandparents. Speed and plant control. Mixed with matter manipulation that could make him very formidable. His eyes widened as he picked up on his mother’s emotional aura. His chest puffed up a bit.

He would be as brave, noble, and true as his father.

It was important to protect the women in his family.

From the corner of his sight, his uncle’s armored outline phased in. He fired off a quick salute, his mind voice was clipped and had a military bite to it, >>Stay with your mother. You are also a line of defense. Never forget that.<<

Zachary Murphy glanced up at his mother. Her human façade masking the power within. One day he would show the world his mettle. To walk in the sun as Human and Typherian. On equal footing with his sister. House Cyphuskara was wrong about her. And humanity. They would add to the genetic tapestry of the cosmos.

A bolt from the blue.

He grinned. Picturing the delight on his grandparents' faces.

He would eventually pick a name.  

One that would make the universe see he was a child of two worlds.

J’ino picked up her son. “You.” She poked his nose.

“Are plotting something.”

He replied, “Just investing in the future.”

Issue 1: Here
Issue 3: Here


  1. Hmmm I wonder what exactly the Keepers did that delayed Earth's uplift? Iffy on the idea Chronos wouldn't be concerned that the Banner is a product of enemy experimentation. Then again that could just be my writer's brain at work.

    PS: Jonas and Sam have very similar reactions to the wonders of the universe.

    1. Chronos considered her a human demi for a long time.

      The only one really on his radar is Unity. Everyone else, including his "allies" are seen as building blocks or experiments.

      Earth, by proxy, other factions within Humanity's cradle decided to present themselves as much more primative than the truth. *Tech wise? They werent the top dog, magic wise? That's another story.

    2. Chronos doesn't care about Uplift Levels. Esp since it was ultimately hijacked. But he knew that part already. He's just there to Test things. Like Glados.
