Sunday, September 6, 2020

The Uplift Protocol: B1 MFE Issue 3


Issue 3: A Meeting of Minds      


I repeat! This is not a drill, all Mechanized Divisions report! The Cabal is attacking Tokyo, all Legion Personel near Earth, please respond!—General Kaiju Level Alert.


Ishtar requires a demi of considerable magical ability. Since the one called Judgement has only been in operation for a month or so, we will key in on him. Since its likely, he’s not as proficient with magic as Sir Avalon or demis of that calibre.—From the data logs of Chronos.


After our initial meeting within the Light of Emris, things became much more clear. In terms of what we had to protect. Granted, mom still couldn’t mention certain Typherian aspects due to keeping the rot in the dark about it but it made my adventures within the human side of Area 51 much more interesting. Plus seeing her genuine delight at my antics, well that was just icing on the cake. Tokyo, on the other hand, that was a move that revealed far more on what the enemy wanted. And why.—Sleeping In Starlight, A memoir of the 22nd century.


Private Residence of the US President. 

Washington DC, USA

October 12th,2103


The President looked up from his display. All evidence of the Emris was erased. His lips twitched. A smile playing across his face. His ice-blue eyes locked onto the old picture at the edge of his private office desk. The smiling visages of his wife and children gazed back at him.

Fredrick Marshall wasn’t one to take chances. His duty was an old one. Passed down from father to son. While the will of the Dreamweavers drove many Litari endeavors upon Earth, a chance meeting in the time before Egypt. Before the fall of Aden, of Illarium and before the coming of the 2nd Calamity, lead to a seed of sorts. Many in the old Trimuative had spread out among the stars. Across countless planets but one oddity did remain. A Keeper who evolved away from the poison of Unity. This individual found Marshall’s distant ancestors as war raged between Chronos, Thoth, and Ta’mathon for those first battles. Earth still bore the scars of those meetings.

    No, his family’s story began with the one who denied the ravages of Entropy and Death.        

A Keeper called: Aether. Who ended up spectacularly disappointing his brothers.

While many within the Uplifted side of Area 51 would see this as a fairy tale of sorts, the symbiote within the president carried the memories of that first uplifted acolyte of Aether. Until it was brought to Earth. Embedded into the first of Marshall’s bloodline. For the day of Convergence was fast approaching. He would make certain that Star and her allies would have all the advantages he could muster to see them through the dark days ahead.

He tapped the controls on his desk, “Ms. Forthright. Please page Mr. Paxton of the New Ashbury Police Department. I have a new assignment for him.”


Tokyo, Japan


October 20th,2103


                Agent Brookes watched the chaos unfold from her vantage point inside her father’s null ship. Various displays showed the fight from multiple angles. Chronos was in the form of Micheal Brookes. In case he would have to venture outside the ship. His daughter was already equipped in her standard gear. Complete with fake IDs. She eyed her father, a multitude of questions threatening to overflow. She knew the ancient Keeper would merely wave her off. So she bit her tongue for now. “Who’s the Target?” He turned. His face twisting in a mockery of a smile, “Judgement. His magical abilities are still mostly unknown. This planet’s HeroNet doesn’t have much on him either. Highly unusual even for their category system.”

            He guided some scouting units over the most contested part of the battle. America’s Girl Scout was sending one of Karvax’ dinosaurs into orbit with one mighty punch. An annoyance. He gave his daughter one final command, “Stay out of sight. Just record. Do not deviate. I know your base human emotions want to lash out at the Banner above all but this mission is vital. We must have Judgement.”

            Hilary gritted her teeth. Her mind raging at the patriotic idiot on the screens. If she was forbidden to do something, the Cabal was not. She mastered her features with practiced neutrality. “Of course father. For Unity.”


            More than half the demis registered with the Legion were here. The 7 Wonders. Everything from mechanical wonders to street level heroes entered the fray. I saw the flash of white and orange as the Mighty Mallet laughed. Sending three raptors fleeing as he struck out with his signature hammer. Its energies crackling in the sunlight. “HEYA RED WHITE AND BLUE SCOUT!”

            I waved in greeting then pivoted as a massive shape charged at me.

            With a tremendous Thwack! I sent the T-Rex the size of five buses into the air.

It landed with a satisfying thump within the energy cage. Karvax bellowed as he went toe to toe with grandpa. “GOLDEN DART! I WILL DESTROY YOU!”

Bardaxian Defenders swirled around me. Using their belts and constructs to contain the various creatures. The brilliant indigo hues reflecting off the various buildings. The civilians had already been evac’d. Father’s light show was pretty impressive too. With a snap of his fingers, he zipped around the battlefield nearly as quickly as Golden Bulleteer. For now, Judgement was merely knocking the creatures about. Paralyzing them with his bracers. White Lily was at his side. Part of me wondered if that’s what mom would do if she was in a melee. Probably. I grinned, appearing next to them to engage a rather agitated golden snake woman. “May I have this dance?” I blocked one of her Simitars with my index finger. She snarled, “You will never be worthy of me hero!” She said the last part like it was something naughty. Doc’s fist came crashing in, knocking Medusa to the side, “Not today snake face!” Her green and white gauntlet indicated the sky, “Get on that Star. That’s more your weight class.” She winked at me.

Whatever was in those nanites Emris gave her made her much more sturdy. Nice!

Above us, a strange device hovered. It was coated in Keeper symbols. “On it Doc!” I catapulted higher into the air. Using my sight to find a weak point. The power source was below. Very tiny.

Dark Matter.

My eyes narrowed. Time to play cat and mouse. One of Japan’s premiere Mecha Divisions: The Screaming Dragon, launched a barrage of grav-lazers at it. One managed to get through and melt the outer hull. I hurtled through the opening. Inside was Madame Mayhem herself.  She turned, her mask reflecting in eerie patterns. “A guest. How lovely!” The scene outside changed. A white light engulfed everything. I gazed out of the corner of my vision. 

A White Dwarf Star.

She made a mocking bow, “Have fun getting home dear little Banner.” She faded from sight as I stood dumbfounded for a moment. Holo-emitters. No time to worry about the Keeper ship, I had to get home. I concentrated. Feeling for the vibrations our Sun gave off. I blanched, my breath hitching, even at top speed it would take me five minutes to race homeward. I streaked across the Infinite.  Fearing what I would find on my return.


            White Lily screamed a warning, “Judgement!” She pushed her son out of the way as a green glow sucked her in. Sir Avalon attempted to pull her out but became locked into the backdraft as well. The instant silence made Judgment’s ears pop. Not only were they missing, but Amazing Grace and The Puzzler were among those stolen away.

            The Golden Bulleteer howled with anguish.


            I could hear my father and grandfather cry out. Saturn was a blip in my rearview.

            Doc’s heart was racing, trying to raise the Puzzler on our team coms.

            Emerald K-9 was barking furiously, <<My fault! I didn’t smell the enemy in time.>>

            A voice rang out, cloaked with modulators, “I know you can hear me little patriot. How much do you value the lives of these demis? How long will the Golden Bulleteer survive without his second? We even have your Puzzler. What will you trade for him? For all of them?”  The entity’s voice was mocking, daring me to lash out in anger. Knowing what someone like me could do. It was a secret terror. What if someone ever had my abilities but used it to destructive purpose?

            I felt my eyes burn. Unshed tears at the edge of my vision.


Not only Sir Avalon but part of my family and friends as well. A signal chirped against my chest. Sul’sandra’s concern flowed outward, << I know you want to find them but they are not on the Earth. The Cabal has Keeper ties, they are within the Weave itself. With stolen Null Ship tech. We cannot locate them unless they uncloak but due to interference we cannot officially do anything. We need you. Get to Area 51 as soon as possible. Bring the rest as well. You know who.>>

The pale blue dot of Earth was before me.

The habitat rings rotating within and without.

Giving my planet a silver set of bands reflecting the rays of Sol.

The clouds racing by as I landed with a resounding crack in the pavement.

Doc’s face was flushed with guilt. Since she was the one who suggested I tackle the ship. I walked over to her, “Anyone else taken?” I pitched my voice low. Making it as calm as I could. When she didn’t respond I gently cupped her chin, slowing bringing her eyes to mine. My new “Atlantian cover” on display for all to see. Those green within green orbs. “It’s not your fault Doctor.” A single tear ran down her face. I used my thumb to wipe it away before anyone could see. She sucked in a breath. Crossing her arms over her chest. “Everyone is accounted for except for Puzzler, Sir Avalon, White Lily, and Amazing Grace.” I roped an arm around her shoulders. Guiding her back to where the others waited. She stiffened at first then leaned on me for a moment. As we got closer she moved away.

Plastering a professional demeanor on her features.

Inwardly I smiled. That was the Lorain I knew.

I clasped Golden Bulleteer on the forearm, “We will get our people back. I swear it.” He was still in shock but nodded. Motioning for the others on his team to assist with the cleanup. To make sure the civilians were safe. Judgment’s head was at an angle. Like he was listening to something only he could hear. I saw Doc give a slight jerk as all of our Ivory rings singled at the same time.

//These coordinates. Now. Bring Light-bearer and Emerald K-9 with you.//

TAS H’taria, Main Observation Deck

USA (Texas)                                

October 20th, 2103

     J’dax was quite relieved when he saw his niece cross the threshold. Even if he had to maintain anonymity via his battle armor, at least she was able to take in more Uplifted aspects now. Even if that meant through Markav trappings. Thomas was clothed in his normal military attire. Everyone else was in civilian dress. He saw Eliza clasp one of Lorain’s hands. Murmuring words of comfort. J’ino was the last to enter. With young Zachary by her side. She sat while J’dax cased the room for listening devices. >>We are good for now sister.<<

     J’ino’s voice was as hard as steel, “The Uplift council considers this matter an Earth one. Stating that while the Cabal has Keeper ties, since the Markav/Atlantians are cohabiters of Earth, this will also fall to them.” Thomas let out a snort, “I see the corrupted have a wonderful grey area to work with.” He smirked at his gallows humor then his eyes locked onto his daughter, “Fortunately we have one of our own as well.”


    I gave Doc’s hand one final squeeze then clasped my palms together over the table. “What kind of unofficial official business does my commanding officer require?” Dad’s eyes twinkled for a moment then dimmed as he stated, “          

    We have to figure out where within the Weave the Cabal has their base. Along with their Earth anchors as well. It’s obvious they were after Judgement. Seeing how HeroNet has so little data on him.” We were playing it safe. Just in case. Cooper barked rapidly, <<We can dive into the Weave, form a chain, try to sniff out the enemy!>> I turned to one of my most favorite dogs in the universe, “That is an idea but that will drain your belts pretty rapidly. We have to pinpoint the prey first, then pounce.” He cocked his head to the side, tilting back and forth with consideration, finally replying, <<Yes, this is truth. But how do we find them?>> My little brother, looking like the most advanced space marine in existence cut in with, “I can help somewhat. Through blood, iron, and pollen. ” His voice was modulated as well. The statement didn’t make much sense to me at first but a rather candid look from dad got my noggin jogging.

            So my kid brother had plant sympathy with grandma. Along with some of grandpa’s metal shaping aspects. Mixed with whatever else mom could do. With superspeed on top of all that. I felt a sense of excitement for my sibling. What wonders would he see? How would he explore? A stream of happiness tempered by our family’s predicament washed over my empathic bonds in waves. I found I could transmit my feelings to him as well. I thumped my chest. “Don’t worry! Our intrepid crew is on the case!”

            Doc poked my back, “Stay on target Captain.” She let her hand linger for a moment. Mostly out of habit. Checking my spine seemed to be something that oriented her. Calmed her down.

            “Can you locate our targets within Weave?” Zachary’s mind flooded with sadness. His voice was bearly above a whisper, “I’m sorry. It’s too clouded. Too much Keeper sickness.” I got up and knelt in front of him, “It's ok. There might be a way to enhance that connection. We can use some of the flowers. Remember?” His mind brightened at that. He looked at our mother.

            Dad was openly smiling now. Grandma had all sorts of unique plants. If Zach concentrated enough, he might be able to pick up more, like how I could feel the various vibrations of Earth and Sol throughout the Universe. It called to my blood.

            After a while, she stated, “That could provide a focus. For now, we have to wait. Report to Area 51 as normal. Horus can provide additional support until further notice.”

            He had done that for me a while back. It would protect Eddie’s demi identity as well. After everyone else had filed out, she motioned for Arthon, Father, and I to remain. “While this may be under Markav jurisdiction to solve, there may be more support than you realize. Explore thoroughly. “ She aimed that last part at me mostly. I jumped to parade rest, “Space Cadet Shenanigans are a Go!”

            I continued, “Besides if some of the creepy Keeper technology gets close enough I can detect it.” Dad replied, “And Project Osiris has its feelers out as well. Since we based some of our stuff on your unusual affinity for finding that sort of thing. Unfortunately, since your debut as the Banner, Chronos and his followers have become cautious with their Null exploits. They are probably assuming something about Earth’s abundance of magic has something to do with it.”

            Arthon spoke up, “They also thought they could capture Judgement. Maybe due to his relative practical experience  using magic.” Father nodded. “Exactly. It’s a multifaceted battlefield. We have to be on guard.” The Muthra’s eyes darted to his display. “Why do people put so much on HeroNet?” I replied, “It was a mandate from the Western Alliance Protocol from after the Accord Wars. To show the civilian population that more demis than not wanted to walk the path of the hero.”

I shot him a wink, “Some like to exaggerate their abilities. Or just list the basics.” He brought up my profile. “There’s so much on The Star-Spangled Banner. Psychological profiles and everything. Won't the enemy use this against her?”

I agreed, “Sure but its also a challenge to them. Some demis will make themselves a bigger target. Other people can help blindside the villains. Heck, Anna does that on her show all the time. If she’s taking out her ire on the Banner, she will ignore everyone else. That way Star can shield others better.”

            While mom’s helmet hid her features, the emotions coming off of her made it obvious, there was blood in the water and my mother intended to collect. I felt myself go rigid. With shock and another emotion I hadn’t anticipated: prudence. I had never seen my mother in Ambassador mode. It would make for quite the experience. She embraced me roughy. “The world I know is much different. Sometimes I forget just how much Earth is in you. Don’t let my people ever change that. You are both.”

Area 51, Situation Room

Earth (US Facility, Groom Lake)

October 20th, 2103

            Hilary Brookes still wondered why the cripple from NASA Jumpstart was wandering about the room. Running her hands along the walls. It was bad enough she had clearance for Area 51, at least it had taken a while for her to gain entry to the inner sanctum on a regular basis. Even with all the clearance roadblocks Brookes had thrown the Murphy brat’s way she had still managed to gain permanent access in record time for a civilian. An ugly thought prickled at the innermost regions of her mind: Did Eliza Murphy have more than just empathy as an ability? Did she have some sort of compulsion or mesmerization factor?

She turned to General Murphy, “Is your daughter quite addled in the head? OR is that something afflicting your entire family?” Her tone was caustic. He put on a show of polite non-interest. Pointedly ignoring her. She called out to the cripple. “Oh, Captain!” She put special emphasis on the word to indicate her complete disrespect. The Lanis duo entered the situation room.

The medic with blazing green eyes spoke, her voice colder than space itself, “No wonder the FBI shoved you out here. You have shit for brains anyway. Along with the mannerisms of a troglodyte. At least everyone else is a specialist. You make the Grinch look positively cheery in comparison. Dogs at least loved him.” Lorain Lanis pinned Hilary in place with each scathing word,

    ” You have no heart or soul so get off your high horse and leave the rest of us in peace.”

     Glaive let out a rapid series of growls. His pearly white teeth bared directly at Brookes.

    An absolute hush fell across the room. Eliza turned and waved at Lorain. “Heya Doc! Everything else settled on the Jupiter?” Her demeanor was her usual chipper attitude. Both Lanis women were especially glad for this. Area 51 needed a burst of hope and optimism instead of endless discussions of why the  “aliens” wouldn’t help.


            Grandma always said if I didn’t have anything nice to say, keep it to myself.

Mom’s absolute fury echoed out from my ivory ring. It made a sad sort of sense that Brookes was a product of Keeper malevolence. No matter what anyone did or said, it would never be good enough for Brookes. I had the impression that she had it out for everyone since day one. Even though dad never said anything, from what I could tell, he went over the FBI’s head on many occasions with different A51 department heads to counteract whatever background roadblocks Hilary loved to maneuver in my way.

 Since that first meeting in this very room at least I had a legit excuse to keep my distance. Most of the people here did anyway. The president was the only one unfazed by Hilary. His ice-blue eyes taking everything in with aplomb. Lorain came over to me. Pointedly putting herself between me and Hilary’s direct glaring. I even saw Doc release a pent up breath. I peered above me. The ceiling was singing and had a reflective surface. Symbols danced and swirled in its depths. The FBI agent left the situation room with surprising alacrity. Her high heeled pumps clicking with each rapid step.

            Her voice took on a shrill quality that could curdle milk, “Fine. Pile praise onto the cripple. I have better things to do than perform for aliens that could care a less.” A collective sigh of relief followed her out the door. I could feel Lorain’s hands trembling as she gripped my shirt, fighting to control her anger. I squeezed those taunt fingers for a moment. Which made her glance up at me. After a moment she released my shirt. Even smoothing out the wrinkles.

I took out a pen, threw it up into the air. It hovered.

“Look Doc! NO HANDS!” I pointed at the suspended writing instrument. President Marshall chuckled,  tears running down his face, between gasps, “See? We needed a generalist!”

My father chimed in with, “No Mr. President. We needed a dreamer.”

He grinned. His features as clean-shaven as ever. Now we needed a plan. Ritark was next to me in an instant. Everyone else, besides a select few, saw a vague shimmer. I saw the real thing. I grinned. He chirped excitedly. Curling around my left forearm. I went over to the main desk. It was fairly long to accommodate everyone. I took all the pens. Thew them all up into the air. Each hovered at a particular point. Humming faintly.

            I had the widest goofy grin imaginable, “Anyone care to guess what those pens are vibrating at?” The room became a whirlwind of activity.


            Zachary cheered from behind the observatory viewer. In uplifted territory most only knew him to be the Typherian Ambassador’s son. His “father” was stationed in the Utasa sector under the command of Y’lansa. He was glad that he took more after his mother with his facial features. So they only had to change his hair color to match hers. The Forger Ambassador next to him thrummed with glee. Ul’rek’s six red eyes blinking rapidly. “More dreamers for this place would be a good thing. Reports indicate there is more to this Captain of the Jupiter Rising then initially thought.” He let out a sound that indicated amused irony. He knew who Eliza was, on all fronts, but they had their parts to play.

            All within their “alliance of light” had to be cautious with all the spies, knowing and otherwise, that patrolled their side of the fence. His hard outer shell clanked as he moved. He was exited. Eliza had already accessed the Orb three times since she had been here. Each time it bestowed another gift. One of learning. Her heart’s desire was plain for him to see. The first time she had touched it she wanted to hear the music of other worlds. The 2nd transference: Literature. Even if she couldn’t understand the words. That she left for the one demi they called Rosetta Stone. The elder Lanis had been ecstatic. Pouring over the tomes as a woman possessed. The third request had made him giddy: What was the universal foodstuff if any. The response had delighted the demi/human.

            Mashed Potatoes.

            Hot Chocolate.


            Every culture in the known multiverse had a variation of these products.

            Most high-level diplomats stationed at Area 51 on their side knew that Eliza was the Star-Spangled Banner. How could they not with all the breaches she did beyond “official” allowed territory for human observation. He was quite certain that Y’lansa was in the thick of it as well. That old Typherian was quite fierce when she wanted to be.

            Not one time had the young Captain Murphy requested tech or anything else of that nature. Hers was a simple and straightforward curiosity about what made everyone similar. For which he was very thankful. J’ino strolled in and shook her head at her daughter’s antics. A rather careworn smile on her face. “I wonder what else she will poke in here.”


            My senses twitched. The very walls within the main meeting room shifted. Displays emerged from every corner. Holographic in nature. I went to the far side of the room and began to read out loud, “On this date, we the citizens of Utasa sector and beyond acknowledge the People of Earth.” The ceiling ungulated. The pens vibrated even faster. The room echoed with a message recorded in times long past. Voices overlapping with meaning. Ritark flowed upwards. Wrapping himself around my shoulders. His voice was a sandy whisper, flowing through to touch my mind, <<Captain! Greetings! Long Life to the Peoples of Earth.>>

            “Hello from the children of planet Earth.”

            "Greetings to you, whoever you are. We come in friendship to those who are friends."

            "Greetings to all peoples of the universe. God give you peace always."

But there was more. I squinted. Some sort of hidden data in the wavelengths. Just like my favorite book. Contact. No wonder mom always poked into whatever I was reading. “Ladies and gentlemen, I do believe there’s something encoded within all that. I’d bet all my sci-fi loving credits on it.” Half the Area 51 council exited. One exclaiming, “Grab every kind of sensor equipment. No matter how old. Let’s see what we can find!”

A handful of men and women clustered against the far side of the table. They shot me aggravated piercing glances. Whispering, “What makes her so special. We’ve been here for years…”

I clasped my hands behind my head. Tilting back to look at the pens. They were still hovering. Everyone’s mindglows, the emotions firing at the forefront was mostly excitement. With that undercurrent.


I winced internally. I just wanted to help Earth and everyone.

I was an outsider, granted I had access for a handful of years in the outer portions of the facility but that hadn’t broken the ice for many people in this room. Even Brookes, while abrasive, was a mainstay here. As Star, I got the red carpet treatment due to emergencies. Ritark’s golden eyes darted to a particular section of the wall. He nudged me. I headed towards it. Another display flared to life. A multitude of colors drew my father and the president over. Marshall chuckled, “General, it's official. Bring your daughter to work more often.” The sheer joy in his tone caused me to stiffen. A mixture of gratitude and worry flickered across my face.  The heat of embarrassment burned through me. “I get the feeling I stepped on a whole lot of toes just now.”

He nodded. His expression was quite frank. “You kicked the nest. But it needed it. Far too often things that seem very obvious, all the learned minds of the world will miss. Buck up! That’s why you are in Jumpstart.” One of the other specialists groaned. His voice pitched to carry, “What won't your kid discover General? She have some beeline on the entities here?”

My father turned, “Try reaching for the stars. There’s a reason why NASA recruited her.”


            Zachary rolled his eyes. His mouth was set in a firm line of silky indignation. “Mom, those guys are idiots. Absolute idiots. We’ve been here the whole time. It’s not Captain Murphy’s fault if they were blind to it. All they had to do was start poking. I’ve looked at the archives. No one looked up for years!”

            They saw Eliza twitch. Leaning on the “wall.” Her face was lined with amusement but under it, J’ino could tell she was embarrassed by the reaction of the Human Council. “Hey dad, do most of the council here see everyone like shimmers or what?” A few more heads turned in her direction. One piped up with, “You can see them? Really? What are you? Some sort of divining device?” Eliza rubbed her face warily, replying, “No. I just see them as people.” She said this with great conviction. Like it was the most natural thing in the world. She turned to face everyone. Her back was rigid. “What do you all see when you look at the stars? Charts? Elements? Rocks?” Her normally cheerful tone was muted. Almost sharp.

            Most stared back with a neutral expression.  One person chuckled nervously.

            She plowed onward, “When I go out into the black, I see endless possibility. I might not know how most things work from a chemical, technical or elemental perspective but all I want is to explore. See what's around the next corner. This place is the same.”

            Zachary grinned up at his mother. “Someone is talking sensibly. Imagine that! No horse blinders on her.” He was biased of course but it had been extremely frustrating to see them gather here in this room all the time without looking up. Expect for the President,General Murphy, along with NASA’s director. He brought up the main profile. Might as well see who his sister’s boss was. He had an average face. His eyes were brown. Lighter than the Generals. Gray hair at the temples. Brown hair. Black rimmed reading glasses. He was in surprisingly good shape. Zach had expected to see someone portly or someone with a wan complexion.

            Richard Delane.

            He scrolled through the rest of the profile. Including the restricted Uplift access. The Typherian Intelligence spooks were pretty thorough. His eyebrows shot up. This director was on the cusp of devoping the required physics to give humanity “Dyson” spheres. Very nice.


            I looked back at the display. Blurted out, “Earth is under the auspice of Uplift. The Council of Five will enact 3 stages. Currently, the realm of Sol and the Terran Territories is in stage 1.”

I paused.

I could see shapes moving beyond the walls. They weren’t walls but observation sectionals. In a semi-circle, the names listed: The Bardaxian Compact.

            The Beauceron barked with gruff excitement. He came over and sat. While his “handler” looked to my father with puzzlement. I walked along every part of the room. Listing the rest of the primary council: The Typherian Ascendancy, The Atlantian Muthra Corps, Forger High Council, and finally the Litari Federation.

            A globe appeared, crackling with white lightning, “Congratulations peoples of Earth, we welcome you to stage 1 of Uplift.” The observation panels cleared. Everyone let out various gasps or strangled screams as they finally saw Ritark for the first time. Along with another 2 dozen or so alien ambassadors waving at them. Before they could say much more, a slender but firm hand was clasping my shoulder. I gawked at the face for a moment. Mom was pretty stately in her human form but seeing what Typherians looked like was quite the experience.

            She wasn’t in her armor either. A Black and blue uniform inlaid with silver trimmings. Some patches on her right sleeve. While not military, I got the sense they had some special meaning. Zachary was wearing something similar. But his belt was a white sash.

            Dad was the luckiest man on Earth.

            I must have looked extremely foolish.

            It was akin to a fairy tale.

I was just standing there. To think that some golden disks had brought my parents together. Cooper whined and nudged my left hand. Dad’s chestnut brown eyes flickered back and forth. He coughed politely into his fist. Maybe trying to rescue me from my brain’s march to sappy oblivion. Lorain clasped a hand behind her back. Then a smile bloomed, “A rare event. My captain at a loss for words.” She stated this as fact. Her tone was gentle though. Like she was pleased for me.

            Seconds passed. I had no idea how to really process all of this. Lines about Starstuff and the infinite beyond cluttered my thoughts.

Mom’s expression was professional but I could feel a genuine sense of warmth and love from her. She picked up on the track of my thoughts and her amusement flooded my empathic pathways.

            Lady Sul’sandra, in her human guise, approached me as well. A wide grin on her face,

” Finally! Welcome to the Party Earthlings! A the saying goes. The muthra of Atlantis greet you.”

            I was about to reply when Emris linked to me, <<We need to close off the Markav area of this human place. Keeper corruption wishes to access leylines.>> The others involved in our trip to the “derelict” reacted as well. Sul’sandra kept her face inviting and stated, “How about some lunch, you Terrans look a bit peaky!” I nodded. Zach's hair was just like mom’s. Silver-Blond with those unusual black meets green-gray eyes.

            Lorain’s forehead wrinkled with concern. She shot me a peculiar look, <<You receiving on this channel Captain?>>  I tilted my head for a moment. As if thinking, <<I read you. Looks like we all might have gotten something extra from our field trip.>> Her green eyes bored into mine. Like she wanted to say more but decided to pull back. She shook her head slightly, “There will be time enough for research later. Let's eat like civilized people.”


            Hilary Brookes cursed. Her palm bright red on the access panel. It kept denying her. Her murderous expression congealed when she saw the cripple approach with an “entourage.” She snarled and slinked away. Whatever plan her father had would have to wait. Humanity could see “shimmers” now. She had never cared to look. Their vapid expressions fawning all over the NASA representative like a new toy.

            Eliza peered down at Brookes, “Time to get something to eat ma’am.” The giant sausage fingers punched the panel and they headed upward. The Typherian woman was staring at Brookes like she was a snake in the garden of Eden. The child wasn’t any better. He didn’t even try to hide his loathing of the FBI agent. “Heya Sourpuss.” She glared at the little punk.

            “Just because we can see you now doesn’t mean I welcome it.”

The tall sandy-haired Typherian locked eyes with Brookes, “Are you sure you are in the right line of work? Perhaps, what is that quaint division you have here? The Grav Car License Association. I hear they need more experts of your mental caliber.”

            She turned white as a sheet. Did everyone love the Murphy spawn?

            Hilary saw the thunderclouds crashing out from Lorain Lanis’ steely gaze.

            Even the Doctor was under that woman’s thumb.

A wave of disgust hit her.

            This day was going to suck.


            I saw Doc and Rosetta Stone aka Mary Herbert Lanis corral Brookes from everyone else.  As I hit the panel, a HUD appeared, showing nanites from Emris flowing into it. The vessel’s updates hit. <<Overlaying At’lan security protocols with my own. White clearance requested. To hardlock access.>> I gave the mental command. I sent a message via the ring,

 //I think we all received a gift that day.//

            It took some effort on mother’s part but I could pick up words, wrapping around me like they were my thoughts, she had only done that a handful of times, but it was worth it.

            >>Lovely. Now the fun begins.<<

            Made me wonder what Zach could hear from her.

            He winked. Then jumped onto my back. Settling himself on my shoulders.


            Even if I couldn’t hear his mindvoice, his emotions were plain, he wanted to make his point. A type of rebellion. I could see by J’dax’s reaction that this had succeeded. The one other Typerian official in the elevator was turning purple. Zach was pointedly ignoring him. I grinned, “AS YOU COMMAND LITTLE MASTER OF THE COSMIC!” I said this with equally shouted gusto. His boyish exuberance filled the room. The grav door opened and we all spilled out into the main dining level. A51 had built more amenities in the past few years. All around us various species walked past. Warbling, croaking, speaking in various tounges. Most of the human staff and researchers were still in various levels of shock. Dad took up a position of overwatch along with J’dax. Of all of us, they were armed in some way at all times. Alongside the President’s security detachment. I remembered mom’s statement: Unofficial help could be acquired for grandma and everyone else stolen by the Keepers.

            One frantic scientist approached, “There was a bright shining globe on all levels. Now we got…so…many….” His voice trailed off as he took in the sight of various bardaxians trotting up next to us. I cleared my throat, “Yep, we are officially in the Uplift arena. Maybe you should get a cup of coffee?” I put some money in his hand. “Just like Captain Cosmos. We are hitting the big leagues now.”

Area 51, Dining Level

Earth (US Facility, Groom Lake)

October 20th, 2103

            Zachary Murphy, under the guise of his Typherian heritage: I’arvan Ayeer gave councilman X’mil a bemused grin. His mind voice laced with joy and a fierce glee at the elder’s discomfort,

>>Perk up already. Don’t tell me House Cyphuskara has no interest in all this activity! The Terrans are beside themselves!<<

            He pulled short of a full glare at the young Ayeer’s cavalier attitude.

>>Leash your son J’ino.<<

A very dark undercurrent caused J’ino Ayeer’s eyes to blaze with fury.

>>Not one more gilded cage. Councilman.<<


I paused, the forked mashed potatoes halfway to my lips when mom pulled out a death beam the size of Saturn on the man seated across from her. The set of his jaw indicated fury. Zach was blinking rapidly. A poster child of innocence. Cooper took that moment to dive into his plate of food. Her eyes were cold. I felt my fingers go numb. She had levels of scary that I didn’t think possible. Doc poked me with a straw. Another message was sent via our private Emris nanite link. It pulled me out of my stupor.

Did mom detest her people that much? Or was it just that one man in particular?

//That is the Most Honorable 4th Son of his Branch Service House Cyphuskara X’mil. Say that 5 times fast. He has an ego the size of the multiverse. Don’t worry too much Cornfed. Your mom eats idiots like that for lunch.//

I found myself glancing at my mother ever so often. Typherians didn’t give off much body language when they talked. Mind casted. Whatever they called it. But they didn’t have to. My empathy sense got the gist of it pretty quick. Arthon sent me a data packet. << Here are your introduction data manuals for basic muthra protocol.>> He and Lady Sul’sandra were seated next to Lorain. All of us were at the table besides Glaive, Dad, and Uncle J’dax. The President was sitting next to the agitated X’mil. Would that be pronounced EX-Mil or E’Mil? I wondered what my Typherian name was. I’d ask mom later. If that was even allowed in the safe confines of my old family home.

I decided that examining the manual while Mother caused some sort of whiplash on the multiverse at large to be the better part of valor. Even Zach’s spine went stiff after a few minutes.

It was clear cut:

·         Defend all Life

·         Unity is the Unending, prevent Calamity’s rise.

·         Thoth, Shoot on Sight

New admin access to At’lan itself formed behind my eyes.

//Muthra Primary Designation: Classified. Redacted. Awaiting Activation at cycle period AFC Restricted.//

A fleeting shape crossing the dining room ceiling caused me to glance up sharply. Two void pitched eyes stared back. Through me. Its gray skin pulled over an emaciated frame. I didn’t even think. My body moving before my mind could catch up. I took up one of the plates. Hurled it unerringly at the Keeper glued to the top like a deadly trap door spider. It let out a howling screech as the plate shattered, knocking it senseless from the roof.

It had not been expecting anyone to spot it.

Otherwise, it wouldn’t have made such an inviting target.

Its frame crashed on the floor a few feet away. In the very center of the eating area. My father threw himself over mom, turning the whole table over to make a barrier. I vaulted over and carried Doc out of the way. It was important. She was our medic but a small part of my mind knew differently. The president's men leapfrogged the commander in chief to a corridor near the buffet line. Their firearms trained on the Keeper foot soldier. Uncle J’dax had snagged Zach. Putting himself between his nephew and the target. The majority of the occupants looked around in confusion.

J’dax sidearm light up the room with a light golden glow.

Captain Mary Herbert-Lanis had been hauled off with the President. Her face was white, the glazed look in her eyes confirming she was calling in the calvary. My senses were stretched to the limit. Trying to find any other Void Walker artifacts. Was this a distraction?

A hiss filled the air as J’dax pulled the trigger.

Filling the stunned Keeper with enough blaster bolts to turn the deck into swiss cheese.

Sul’sandra rose, waving for everyone to settle down.  Arthon had tackled her as well. Using his body as a shield. Black clothed troopers entered the mess hall. They wore garb similar to Arthon. Muthra then. At their head was a tall man I had met before.


He came over to me. His footfalls were thunderstrikes. “Good, I was beginning to think all of Earth blind.” He kicked the Keeper corpse even as it started to disintegrate. More heads turned my way. One person shouted, “What do you feed that kid General?! If I didn’t know better I’d say she had some of the Puzzler’s powers!”

I replied mildly, “Look up in the sky ever so often. Lots of things like to swoop down unexpectedly.” Lorain looked impressed. I felt my face go hot. “What? I’m a pilot. It’s a natural state of mind.”

//Nuul to Star, Muthra entry mainframe: Trainee status confirmed. Report to our Embassy. Your kit will be waiting.//

I shot Sul’sandra an inquisitive glance. She tapped the side of her glass pendant. A small turn of her lips told me all I needed to know. The seeds of Atlantis would grow in the minds of the Terran Alliance. One man staggered to his feet, “Those things are real?! Oh god. ALL THOSE COWS! What else happened?!” He sat with a solid thump on the bench. The head of President Marshall’s security detail came over. His anger was palpable. “Is this supposed to be your sector of responsibility?” He stared at X’mil.

X’mil gave my mother a cold glance, “Why don’t you explain.” He walked over to the main entryway. Called out over his shoulder, “Princess.” It sounded like a curse.

I felt my eyebrows shoot up. Oh boy.

A Space Princess. What did that make me?

While everyone was getting situated I found a more off the beaten path area and slipped into my Star-Spangled Banner outfit. I had a feeling I’d need it.


Thomas’s face was expressionless. He only did that when he was at his most outraged. So he bottled it up inside, fearing that an outburst might get the better of him. J’ino was at a loss. Secret Service Agent Weston glanced in her direction. His fury was somewhat diluted by facing a woman rather than an absolute prick like X’mil. A familiar red, white, and blue blur sped into the room. Star just waved at everyone. “No worries Agent! I scanned the whole facility and checked every area I could. Level 5 is quarantined. Even I can't punch through that now.”

Agent Weston gaped. “You can’t punch through. Jesus. Thing is, I still don’t understand why we were left to fend for ourselves so long. Why are things changing now? Why can we see all these different races?”

Star gave him a firm shake on the shoulder. “It’s because a whole lot of those more advanced civilizations have to patrol the entire multiverse. I’ve technically gone pretty offroad. Especially through the Dweller Gate system.” She gave a nod to those in the know. She was deliberately protecting the fact that the cold war with the Keepers was getting more dangerous by the day. She continued, “Take a look at this.” She presented a tablet. Its holo-display brightened. Showing the Orb from earlier.

It had various status updates.

//Stage Zero Completed. Unmasking Initiated. Please be advised: Treat outside sources with the introduction phase with caution. While this planet has many demis, most humans are familiar with carbon-based lifeforms. Have translation devices ready. They may not react well to species of an unusual shape. Have a Bardaxian emissary ready to assist. Humans quite enjoy their appearance.//

Earth was listed at stage 1 now. With 2 more stages within the program. He wheeled to J’ino. “Spying? That’s the best you can…” Star stepped in front of her mother, making sure to pitch her voice. Her arms crossed. “Think of it this way sir. Imagine you are me. Flying through space. Pick up a distress signal. Help someone home.”

His face was clearing. He motioned for her to continue.

“The other ships arrive to tow their friend in the rest of the way. They see me and don’t understand. They fire their missile batteries, thinking I am some sort of weapon. What if they don’t have demis or advanced enough sensors to detect me as a living entity?” His shoulders relaxed. He replied, “Basically like one of those old Space Invasion film reels. Got it. Don’t want the Host planet to go bonkers.”

Star grinned. “Believe me, I understand why they had to be cautious. Heck, there are still historic vids of me bringing in those spacers when I was 12.”

She laughed. “Remember? NORAD thought I was a missile malfunction at first. Until the Legion confirmed I was a bonafide Demi Flying Object!”

J’ino clasped her daughter’s forearm. “Thank you. That is exactly right. As the Texans say, strait from the Horses Mouth.”


            I beamed at mom. Glad I could help her through the landmine of relations. I couldn’t resent the memory wipe stuff either. Seeing what the Keepers could do. Now that I did have pretty extensive access. Baring some sensitive names. I could even see within my mind the blotted out memories. Listed as //Shielded: AFC Redacted. Access Denied. Full Unveiling Required by Redacted.//

            I scratched the back of my head, “Besides sir, I’m not 100% surface human.” Lady Sul’sandra stepped forward. For the first time, the SS Agent saw my eyes. The green within green. “I have a bit of Atlantis in me. Apparently.”

The Lady nodded. “Yes, about that. We must get you ready. Not only do you represent Earth and her people but ours as well.”

Someone blurted out, “Where did the wiz kid go?” I grinned, “NASA sent her and the Jupiter to go scouting for something special.” I made sure to send a signal to Jupiter. She complied. Horus even sent a winky face back. They were covertly scanning for Void Walker activity within the Weave. It was a long shot but it helped sell the story. Not that Jupiter Rising had to leave the docking bay to do so. Lady Sul’sandra eyed me with some amusement. An idea hit. “Would it be advisable to update my status on HeroNet? Might be a way to get things out in the open. Over 15 billion follow that account.” The old Markav considered this for a moment. Her silky black hair was done up in a simple ponytail.

“Now that you mention it…..”

Area 51, Atlantian Embassy

Earth (US Facility, Groom Lake)


            Thomas stretched. His back popped. Releasing tension he didn’t know he had. His daughter’s reaction to what her mother’s Typherian form looked like would be a memory he’d cherish for a while. His wife’s amusement was at war with the various levels of pride she was feeling with her children. At the moment  Zachary was next to his sister, posing for some photos in the grand social campaign. Already the headlines were pouring in across all of the Alliance’s territories around Sol and beyond.


            “We are not alone!”

            “Sentient Dogs? From another world? Can they help ours?!”

            “Emerald K-9 is adorable. And a Bardaxian to boot!”

            “Really? Mash Potatoes and what? Interstellar food. No way. You’ve got to be joking!”

“Is that kid with the silver hair a space prince?!”

            Thomas frowned at the last line. Not on my watch, no arranged marriages for his children. He caught J’ino looking in his direction. Polite interest was mirrored in her eyes. Professional. Almost detached. While at this place they were co-workers. Nothing more. Even his ring was silent. With A51, its Uplift Community unleashed on Earth, they had to be careful in public. Even more so than before. To protect everyone.

            For now, the home would be where his heart could relax.

Until they found White Lily and the others, that would be his overall mission.

Golden Bulleteer came up to Star, wrapping a comradely arm about her shoulders.

He spoke to the trillions settled throughout Terran Alliance space, “Today is a day that will echo within the annals history….”


            Hilary was seeing red. Her eyes blazed with unholy fire. She was an alien. The populous was eating it up. Saying she was a gift from the Heavens now. Even though no one knew where Atlantis was.Not even her father. It moved frequently. The Markav had cloaked that far too well. They had sleepers at the edges. In the Muthra Corps but those didn’t have access to the vital systems. Not to the point where they could gain ultimate control. Not yet.

            A door opened. Another researcher hurried past. Her com signaled a unique set of notes. A slow wicked grin pulled her lips back into a mockery of happiness. Ishtar was going to interview Sir Avalon and the others directly. She’d get a front-row seat. She made her way out of A51.


            After HeroNet broadcasted the address, Fredrick Marshall approached Star. The tall demi gave a crisp salute worthy of West Point. He returned it, his white mustache quivering with delight. “Well now, as I understand it you are trying to locate Sir Avalon and the  others?” Her eyes dimmed for a moment. Then her jaw firmed. Bright cosmic swirls ignited briefly within those orbs. She nodded. “Yes sir. We will find them.” Ice blue met those Markav green eyes. He suspected Scholar intervention. Most didn’t realize J’ino had married a local. It was a secret the symbiote within masked. Even a mental demi would have to kill him to even know. Only Chronos would be able to detect it, should he ever venture off Earth. What he was about to do would determine the course of events for a very long time.

            “If you would. I need to speak to you. Privately.

            She was puzzled but waved him onward.

“Certainly sir. I imagine they won't miss me for a few moments.”

As they walked down various corridors, Marshall put a finger to his lips, almost in thought but he saw Star’s eyes narrow slightly. He did his best to give off his emotions very plainly. He didn’t want to say anything here. She lifted her arms over her head. Working at her shoulders and back. Marshall reached out, the symbiote thudding in time with a very specific door. He opened it and waved Star inside. To her credit, she didn’t hesitate. It clicked softly. The room was pitch black.


            Normally my eyesight would pick up most spectrum divides. This place was darkness. My heart rate remained slow and steady. Gradually it brightened. The president spoke, his voice hardly above a whisper, “Please don’t be afraid. Give me a moment to inform my host.” I found I wasn’t able to move. Still, I reached out. My empathetic senses detecting no hostility from the president. A scraping noise indicated the movement of chairs or even a table. Whatever was holding me in place allowed for head movement. I craned my neck to see  Marshall standing next to a Keeper. My breath hitched. Then I exhaled in shock. It had emotional triggers! A mind landscape of responses. “What are you? You don’t feel like Chronos.” It nodded. The skin was lighter than gray. Almost a ghostly white. Its eyes were just as dark as its Void brothers. But it had pupils! Which were slightly lighter than the pitch dark around the rest. No wonder they had frozen me.

            As if realizing this, the field melted away. “Greetings. I do have the Keeper network mapped out. The Weave cannot hide them from me. For their tech is of the First Empire of the Multiverse. Even the Scholars, may their souls' rest, do not know all the secrets.”

            His voice was a light tenor. Filled with emotions and thoughtful consideration.

            The story that unfolded shocked me to the core.

            He began, “My name is Aether. The Last Line. The One Who Slumbers. Only you shall know. The Ur Stone protects you. But it will not always be so. Chronos is lost. But there may be hope for the Children of Chains.”

            I sat. The President gave me a cup of coffee.

I listened to the rest.

            For what would come, I wouldn’t just have to shield Earth but everyone else that ever existed. The Wall must endure. I, along with so many others, was a link in the Chain of the Ouroboros.

            A memory came to me. Not of my human grandmother. The Typherian one. Her eyes, so much like mothers, had gazed at me with pride and sadness in equal measure. “Keep your Promise.”

            The Wall was inside me. A continuous line across the Multiverse. An endless link. The Ur Stone was my Twin. From a long-dead universe. Carrying refugees from other Cycles. Other Calamities. Precious cargo.

            I would protect them all.

            Including Aether.


    Fredrick Marshall watched Eliza Murphy.


    A great weight was lifted from his shoulders.    

    Someone else finally knew. What would she do now? He saw her eyes lock with Aether. A question burning there. Her voice was steady, filled with the good cheer she was known for.


“That’s quite the tale. Alright. Where do we begin?”

Issue 2: Here

Issue 4: Here


  1. Wait a moment. So the President has a symbiote based on a Keeper who defected from Unity. Keeper names range from Chronos, Ishtar and Anubis. They're Goa'uld! Which makes President Marshall a Tok'ra!

    The pitless eyes and elongated bodies are most likley inspired by the true from of Supreme System Lord RA from the original Stargate movie. I can't believe I missed the reference the names should have been a dead giveway.

  2. I took ideas from all the things I enjoyed. ALLL OF THEEEEMMMM! (Let's just say he's not the only one who escaped/defected.)

  3. Like a shrouded memory being revealed. I remember this chapter now coming back. Book 1 has a review and a rant coming for this chapter alone. The unveiling to Uplift Stage 1. So much smugness from all the aliens.

    Except Bardax they were only ones who didn't rub it in.

    1. Yep, "Pride goes before the Fall."

      Set and others had time to fester within certain areas.

      This made many counter factions with Typha and other Council races realize that they had been bamboozled. Unlike the Citadel council? These guys will reach out sooner rather than later.

      Except Space Doggos. Bardax is smarter than it looks. They use their cuteness to get into all sorts of areas normally restricted. XD
