Thursday, November 19, 2020

From the Shore of Booktube: Rhythm of War

Looking at booktube and its all about Rhythm of War but there's something....oh boy.

Listen, this is my opinion but don't have "sensitivity" readers for your books. People have diff. preferences and wheelhouses and not all books will appeal to all readers or even hit mainstream status.


In the opening portions, here's his whole setup:

To me, he should just have beta readers, people who help find typos, or genuinely enjoy the wheelhouse he provides. Since the whole aspect of censorship is in the forefront of most topics nowadays. To me that's why we don't get stuff like Gargoyles anymore. Or Astro Boy or even Jungle King Leo.

Imho if you have consultants on certain aspects, like if you want to get some pointers from special forces guys if your book is going to focus heavy on that, to me that kind of feedback is different from "This will reflect badly on X group I politically align with" sensitivity input.  

Be bold, write what you want and eventually you will find your audience. TO me, a writer has to write for themselves first. To maintain passion. But like Mass Effect 3's ending, keep in mind, what may be brilliant to you will fall flat with other people. 

That's why I am very upfront about what's going into Uplift Protocol.

Yes, the ending will be very corny happy. Just the way FL Woman wants it.  

Edit: I also wanted to add, to me Sensitivity readers are people who want the writer to include elements that validate them politically and to be "relatable sad sacks" but it doesn't serve the story whatsoever.

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