Monday, November 30, 2020

Writing: Be an Amusement Park



Is your wheelhouse starving? MAKE THE MAGIC HAPPEN!

We can't just sit here and bemoan things. You want more uplifted X Y or Z? Make it.

You want more happy corny couples. Make it.

You want more Superversive Stuff? Make it.

You don't have to go Traditional Routes. You can make it if your desire is strong enough. 

Sheer Wrath is what kick started my Uplift Protocol Journey because I hated what was happening to Superman. I wanted more of myself catered to. Not as a woman or as a conservative. I just wanted my preferences with stories, likeable characters and hope catered to. 1000000%

Its easy to find a sea of GOT, The Boys and Watchmen type stuff: Here

So lets roll up our creative sleeves and offer something else. 

Star Warden: Here

Heroic Fiction: Here

Dark Titan Entertainment: Here

Babylon 5 is a good example of bringing up political matters in a series but not hitting the viewer over the head. Let your readers decide. You can put symbolism and other things in writing without it being a blatant soapbox.  

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