Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Show vsTell: The Chinese Finger Trap

Because everyone has a different parameter for it. 

All have various opinions on it but the only certainty is: Keep Writing

Uplift Protocol is a primary Telling Series. Sure, some sites try to explain it but to me its mostly good for screenplays, movies, comics, GMing a scene (Theater of the Mind stuff) while books shouldn't be beholden to just "Show, Tell isn't correct! Isn't dramatic enough" mindset.

I feel like Showing is more appropriate when hardly used. I use it sparingly within my toolbox.

You will have readers be pulled in by majority telling. You will have some that prefer show show show show show to the 9th degree. That's the reason why I dont read WoT or GoT or Sword of Truth anymore. Its not the wheelhouse I want. I am fine with books that tell.

Examples of Telling to me:

The majority of this series is just like this. With action and dialog thrown it. I'm fine with this. Its my preferred narrative wheelhouse. 

What this next review hated about this book:

Dragged me right in.

Show Dont Tell is in the Eye of the Beholder. 



What he hates, I enjoy. What I enjoy he probably would hate. Difference of opinion and preferences. To me, showing constantly is sluggish and kills the drive of the plot if used liberally. I use a very light brush with Uplift Protocol. (As far as showing goes)

For me, its just the right amount:

Unlike visual mediums books do not have to follow movies. I feel like most gear their books towards the day of on screen adaptation so they write that book with that "Show" focus in mind. Again, all of this is my POV and opinion.This example has too much show for me and my tastes but some will eat it up.

Some tools in the #write toolbox can be used across other mediums. But there are tricks that cater more towards adaptation of books. Show is more important with VISUAL mediums. Or even Tabletop RPGs in some cases. 

Some will swear by "Show Show Show!" while others will be repelled by it. 

You can ask all you want but honestly I learn more by doing. By adding tools I want. While letting others sit idle. To be used only when absolutely needed. If you want to predominantly show: Write a movie. 

My balance for Uplift Protocol? Tell often and Show only when Absolutely Necessary. Usually when something has greater emotional significance to the character.

Links: (Yes I listed stuff I agree and disagree with here) There aren't any major rules for writing. Some tools will reach more readers though.

And yes: the blog posts that galvanized stuff on my twitter feed.

I will include Pulp on Pulp because they do go into this subject as well!

Pulp on Pulp: Tips and Tricks for Writing Pulp Fiction by [Kit Sun Cheah, Misha Burnett, JD Cowan, Matthew P. Schmidt, James A. Buck, Morgon Newquist, Anthony Perconti, Robert Stultus, D. G. D. Davidson, Christopher Lansdown]

Pulp on Pulp 

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